Getting things done – Kim Easton

Girl Scout and CEO
National Sports Center for the Disabled

Everyone knows that Girl Scouts get things done. Kim Easton is a prime example. Currently the CEO for the National Sports Center for the Disabled, Kim never called herself a leader because she felt she was simply “getting things done.”

“It always just seemed obvious to me that when something needed to get done one just stepped up and made it happen,” she says. “I have lived my whole life that way from the time I was a young girl, just about the time I joined about Brownies.”

In grade school, she organized a group of peers that would be buddies for new students so that they would feel welcome, started a day camp to entertain the younger kids in her neighborhood over summer, and got involved in student government to help student voices be heard by administration.

“It wasn’t until my professional years that I realized that others did not think that way,” she says. “I am passionate about helping people and I believe that when you come together, support one another and create a vision for a better world you are on the road to success.”

At the National Sports Center for the Disabled, Kim continues making a positive difference in the world. The mission of the National Sports Center for the Disabled is to advance the power of people with all abilities through adaptive innovation and the joy of recreation and outdoor experiences.

In the featured photo, Kim and others at National Sports Center for the Disabled made a wish come true for Mae as she celebrated her 100th birthday.

“The one thing she wished for was to be able to get back on the slopes one more time,” Kim says. “She had skied for many years as a young woman but hadn’t skied in ages. We were able to take Mae out for a beautiful afternoon in March in the bi-ski you see here. She had the time of her life and giggled the whole time.”

Kim was a Girl Scout in elementary through middle school and says being part of a Girl Scout troop taught her to work together with other girls to get things done, whether that meant building a campfire, cooking a meal, or creating ways to build a community and give back.

“Being with other young girls allowed us the chance to get to know ourselves, freedom to explore more of our leadership abilities, the opportunity to take risks and not be overshadowed,” she says.

Her advice to girls and young women is to have the courage to stay on your path. “Take chances, try new things, go new places and get involved where you see others need you to help them.  Successful leadership does not mean having all the answers or knowing better than others. Successful leadership is building a community where everyone can amplify their special gifts for the good of all.”







Girl Scouts of Colorado