Four Brownies in Troop 65659 worked on the Hiker, First Aid, and Cabin Camper badges over the summer and three of them completed all three badges and went on to do a Take Action project for the Outdoor Journey. They chose to focus their project on campfires. Using information from the Leave No Trace website, the girls performed a skit about getting ready to make a campfire, then finding out there is a fire ban.

Two of the girls chose to play a Squirrel and a Panda Bear, and the third chose to play the part of Fairy. Each time Squirrel and Bear ran into a problem, the fire Fairy helped them learn the solution, including how to find appropriate firewood, trash in campfires, and alternatives to campfires including using a camp stove, sleeping bags for warmth, playing games and stargazing for fun, and headlamps and lanterns for light. They have shared the video of their skit with friends and family. At their celebration, they all created bookmarks by taping photos from their journey to cardstock.