Tag Archives: Western Slope

Girl Scouts Make Bee-utiful Bee Hotels!

On Saturday, June 26, Girl Scouts in Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, and Longmont gathered to build their own bee hotels and learn other ways to protect the habitats of Colorado’s most prodigious pollinators: solitary bees!

Part of GSCO’s new Gardening Patch Program, building bee hotels is a fun and creative way to spend time outside and take action to benefit wildlife. If you’d like to build your own bee hotel, check out this video:

GSCO’s next outdoor meet up will be in July. Come join us and other Girl Scouts in creating some Outdoor Art masterpieces. Craft a windchime to make music using the wind, go on a photographic scavenger hunt, and/or paint using nature as your inspiration. Girl Scouts working on their Outdoor Art badge of any level can apply these activities towards earning their badge!

Register here:

Denver Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 24, 10–11 a.m.

Monument Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 24, 10–11 a.m.

Grand Junction Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 31, 10– 11 a.m.

Loveland Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 31, 10–11 a.m.


You’re Invited! Robot Building Party (Western Slope)

Calling all girls K-3rd grade on the Western Slope who are not currently in Girl Scouts – but totally should be! Bring a friend, make new ones, and build a ROBOT with Girl Scouts!

Join us for a Robot Building Party!

Two dates to choose from:

July 9th at 5:00 pm (register here)

July 14th at 5:30 pm (register here

Register using the Eventbrite links above to save your spot and we will send a confirmation email with the Zoom link to join us!

Before this event, please take the time to review the Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Internet Safety Pledge, and then virtually sign it with your girl. As always, safety is a top priority at Girl Scouts of Colorado. Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Internet Safety Pledge.

Note: A caregiver must attend with their girl!

This party is for future Girl Scouts only. If you are a current Girl Scout – please check out the July badge series for Space Science here (Daisy registration link, Brownie registration link, Junior registration link) and go to our Badge Explorer to see Robotics badges for your grade level. But please pass along this invitation to any of your friends who aren’t in Girl Scouts! Who better than you to invite them to join?


For these counties: Moffatt, Rio Blanco, Garfield, Pitkin and Eagle, Call Ashley at (970) 628-8010

For these counties: Mesa, Montrose, Delta, Call Cheala (970) 628-8007

For these counties: Ouray, Gunnison, Hinsdale, San Miguel, Archuleta, LaPlata, Montezuma, Call Christina (970) 375-7913

You’re Invited! Robot Building Party (Western Slope)

Calling all girls K-3rd grade on the Western Slope who are not currently in Girl Scouts – but totally should be! Bring a friend, make new ones, and build a ROBOT with Girl Scouts!

Join us for a Robot Building Party!

Two dates to choose from:

July 9th at 5:00 pm (register here)

July 14th at 5:30 pm (register here

Register using the Eventbrite links above to save your spot and we will send a confirmation email with the Zoom link to join us!

Before this event, please take the time to review the Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Internet Safety Pledge, and then virtually sign it with your girl. As always, safety is a top priority at Girl Scouts of Colorado. Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Internet Safety Pledge.

Note: A caregiver must attend with their girl!

This party is for future Girl Scouts only. If you are a current Girl Scout – please check out the July badge series for Space Science here (Daisy registration link, Brownie registration link, Junior registration link) and go to our Badge Explorer to see Robotics badges for your grade level. But please pass along this invitation to any of your friends who aren’t in Girl Scouts! Who better than you to invite them to join?


For these counties: Moffatt, Rio Blanco, Garfield, Pitkin and Eagle, Call Ashley at (970) 628-8010

For these counties: Mesa, Montrose, Delta, Call Cheala (970) 628-8007

For these counties: Ouray, Gunnison, Hinsdale, San Miguel, Archuleta, LaPlata, Montezuma, Call Christina (970) 375-7913

Free STEAM day camp for Girl Scout Juniors

Girl Scout Juniors are invited to “Explore It,” a free, fun, and interactive STEAM day camp hosted by the Museum of the West and the Bureau of Land Management, June 27 – 29, 2018! Girls will learn about dinosaurs, paleontology, geology, fossils, mining, and the history of early life in the Grand Valley through hands-on activities and visits to regional educational and historical sites. Girls will also visit the Museum of the West, Cross Orchards, the Mica Mine, Dinosaur Journey, Fruita Paleontological Area, and Dinosaur Hill.

Here are highlights of what’s planned:

• Visit Cross Orchards and learn about early life in Grand Valley (irrigation agriculture, fruit packing, train transportation). Learn about pioneer kids and what the daily life of a child 125 years ago was like and ride the train.

• Hike Bangs Canyon Trailhead to the Mica Mine and focus on the engineering challenge of historical mining.

• Tour collections and prep labs at Dinosaur Journey to learn about science and methods in paleontology and stewardship of fossils. Dissect and owl pellet and build a dinosaur.

• Visit the Museum of the West and learn about tools and science of Archaeology with real artifacts.

• Hike Dinosaur Hill Loop and learn about regional geology from experts and the Apatosaurus at Riggs Quarry.

• Hike the Fruita Paleontological Area and Loop to learn about sedimentary rocks.

The camp is based at the Museum of the West in Grand Junction, but will explore many sites in the area. Camp starts at 9 a.m. each day and will end around 4 p.m. The camp is FREE for Girl Scout Juniors thanks to the Museum of the West and the Bureau of Land Management. To register, please go to https://goo.gl/9YR6z6 . Registration deadline is June 22, but with only 30 spots available, we expect this camp to fill fast!

Volunteers are needed! We’re also looking for a few adult volunteers to help with transportation and older girl volunteers to help younger Girl Scouts at the camp. Adult volunteers transporting Girl Scouts will need to be approved volunteers per GSCO’s volunteer policies. If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign-up at – https://goo.gl/MfnouU .

Questions? please contact Lori Thompson at lori.thompson@gscolorado.org. Thank you!

Bronze and Silver Award Girl Scouts honored at Highest Awards celebration in Grand Junction

More than 100 Girl Scouts, families, and friends gathered at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction on May 6, 2018, to honor the more than 1,300 Girl Scouts from across Colorado who took the lead in their communities and earned one of Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards, the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award.

The Gold Award, which is the highest honor in Girl Scouts, is presented to girls in grades 9-12 who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through a project that makes a difference in their community. The Silver Award is the highest award a girl in 6th – 8th grade can earn. The Bronze Award is the highest award a girl in 4th or 5th grade can earn. For the 2017-18 Girl Scout awards program year, nearly 1,000 girls across the state and 40 in the Western Slope and Southwestern Colorado region earned the Bronze Award. 13 girls across the Western Slope and Southwestern Colorado region earned the prestigious Silver Award.

2016 Gold Award Girl Scout Katie Otto served as the celebration’s emcee. She talked briefly about her journey to earn the Gold Award and how Girl Scouts helped her become the leader she is today.

“Girl Scouts is an amazing community and organization. The skills that you learn through Girl Scouts will give you the skills to succeed further in life. Girl scouts teaches girls: courage, confidence, and character,” she said.

The focus of a Gold Award project is identifying and researching a community issue she is passionate about, developing a plan to address it in cooperation with her team and community members, establishing a global connection with others, and providing sustainability for the project. Of the skills learned through Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards, leadership, organization, and critical thinking are the fundamentals of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Some universities and colleges offer scholarships unique to Gold Award recipients, and girls who enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces may receive advanced rank in recognition of their achievements.

Silver Award project: Free Little Library

For their Silver Award project, Girl Scouts from Troop 14013 Megan T. and Hailey T. in Grand Junction designed, built, and installed a Free Little Library at Lincoln Park. The girls love reading and wanted to share that love with their community. The library was immediately used by children and adults.

Mandy Beilman was at the girls’ event because she has been visiting Free Little Libraries around the country. GSCO asked her a few questions about her personal connection to Free Little Libraries.

When did you get started doing this?

I remember seeing Little Free Libraries in online articles, but never seeing one in person. I saw my first one in the summer of 2016 in Homer, Alaska. My family was there for a deep sea fishing trip and I spotted one with a mermaid on it. I swapped out the book I had brought along for the trip with a new read. After that, I started noticing them more places and being intentional about seeking them out.

Where have you experienced these?

In many places! I’ve visited several in Anchorage, AK, as well as the one in Homer. The farthest east I’ve gone is Topeka, KS. I plan to continue seeking them out whenever I got to a new place. My daughter and I like to take photos of them and I have an album on Facebook. My favorite ones so far are the ones that I find by accident. There’s a bit of magic in finding one and seeing what books it holds!

What is your interest in LFL?

I’m a high school English teacher, so literacy is important to me. I love the idea of giving out free books, it’s a great community service! Plus, I think the libraries are cute; I enjoy seeing all of the different styles. I can’t wait to put one in my front yard.  (As soon as I sign the closing papers on my first home).

What made you come to this one?

I saw the girls putting it together and thought I’d come over and visit! I’ve never been the first patron before, my daughter and I really enjoyed that.  The one the girls designed is beautiful, and it has a perfect location, right next to a park.

Courageous and strong women visit troop meeting

Submitted by Jenn Jurgens

Western Slope

Grand Junction

Our troop had a special treat. We had some volunteers including some moms who dressed up as courageous and strong women from history, including an active Marine mom come talk to our Daisy Girl Scouts about being courageous and strong and how these Daisy’s can grow up to also be courageous and strong too.

Our visitors were Temple Grandin, Rosie the Riviter, Jane Goodall, Emiline Pankhurst, Ruth Bater Ginsberg, Ruby Bridges and Major Ross from the Marine Corps.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

Gunnison troop sends special thank you to cookie customers

Submitted by Sharalee Pederson

Western Slope


Troop 13461 of Gunnison with 14 girls is celebrating their amazing cookie season. This is the thank you they are sending out to their customers. They sold 11,609 packages of cookies!

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

Girl Scout Cookies delivered to Justice League of Hope

Submitted by Anna Campbell

Western Slope

Grand Junction

Troop 17108 from Grand Junction passed on their cookie donations to their hometown heroes, the Justice League of Hope. As a thank you, Kid Pool and Hershel the Hobo did a magic show and helped us celebrate Kayla’s sixth birthday. This was a great day for our troop and we all hope our cookie contribution helps the Justice League of Hope pass on some unbreakable smiles.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

Best Cookie Dad contest: Cookie Dad is Cookie Man

Submitted by Kate Harvie

Western Slope


This Cookie Dad isn’t even a dad! He doesn’t just help his soon-to-be stepdaughter and her troop leader mom, this super supportive Cookie Man took the day off work to drive 130 miles round trip just to get 100 cases of Thin Mints for the Montrose Cookie Cupboard! He saved the cookie booth weekend for all Girl Scouts in the area! In the photo above, he is loading 100 cases of cookies into his truck. He was so focused on “properly stacking the cases” he wouldn’t even look up. He’s slightly serious about those Thin Mints.

Brian Grasman can also be found delivering cookies to the troop at booths all over town, helping load and unload cookies from vehicles, and he’s even been known to serve as a “mystery shopper” during National Girl Scout Cookie weekend, handing out patches to girls with stellar customer service.

Troop 17122 and Service Unit 129 couldn’t have survived the 2018 cookie season without him!

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form and is part of the 2018 contest for Best Cookie Dad.