Tag Archives: Northern & Northeastern CO

Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Anastasia Rosen, Fort Collins, “How To Protect Yourself From Human Trafficking”


What did you do for your Gold Award project? 

My project addressed the issue of human trafficking recruitment and how to prevent it. According to the Trafficking Resource Center, “human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will.” (traffickingresourcecernter.org) Initially I did a presentation in my US government class about human trafficking in general where I came to the conclusion that there is such a big vulnerability for teens to be targeted, and many of my fellow peers didn’t realize that there was this vulnerability that put them at risk. I hoped to make the student population of Rocky Mountain High School aware of the recruiting tactics of Human Traffickers and gave them the signs to watch for in case they encounter a trafficking victim or a trafficker themselves.

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

I measured the impact of my project by asking the students a series of questions before and after the presentation. Also I had a student exclaim “Oh my god this is happening to me” which we immediately got him the necessary help he needed to deal with this issue; this is another way I measured the impact of my project,  observing student’s immediate reactions.

How is your project sustainable? How will your project continue to impact after your involvement? 

My project is sustainable because the school administration will continue to present my project to further generations of students. Kids will have the tools they will need to protect themselves as well as the information needed to identify a trafficking situation; and they will be given resources that they can utilize if needed.

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

Since human trafficking is a global issue and no one realizes that it happens here at home in Colorado, I decided to focus my attention on the recruitment aspect of human trafficking here and what makes teens and young adults such prime targets. With my project I’m hoping to draw more attention to the global issue of human trafficking in hoping to prevent further recruitment into this growing epidemic.

What did you learn about yourself?

What I learned about myself was that I have a deep passion for trying to keep my peers and others safe while educating them on a topic that’s not often talked about.

I also learned that I have the capacity to deal with stressful situations and the capacity to take on such a stressful project and get it up off the ground from start to finish. The most stressful part of this project I would say was contacting people and getting things put into place and making sure I met deadlines. The leadership skill I developed is project management and better written communication skills.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

Earning my Gold Award will impact me in the future because it can help open doors for me as well as showing people that I care about what I do and the amount of effort and work I put into making something happen.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

I feel that the Gold Award was an important part of my Girl Scout experience because it pushed me to think out of the box and make something a reality; I feel that doing the Gold Award helped me bring awareness to my community and bring about change and education about the issue of human trafficking.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org

Meet Our Mentors: Linda Robinson








Linda is one of our Gold Award Mentors who is strongly committed to successfully guiding girls through the Gold Award in our Northern Colorado region. Learn more about Linda below and stay tuned for more “Meet Our Mentor” blog posts over the next few months! Go Gold!

Region 7 – Northern & Northeastern

Loveland, CO

  • Nine Years as a Girl Scout
  • 30 Years as a Girl Scout volunteer
  • 11 Years a s a Gold Award Mentor

Why did you become a Gold Award Mentor?

After my three daughters all earned their Gold Awards and the older girl troop I had been advising for 11 years all graduated, I thought it would be a great way to continue working with amazing high school age Girl Scouts.

What words of advice do you have for girls about the Gold Award

Make sure you have a passion for your project. It will make it all more rewarding at the end. Stick to it – remember your SMART goals and break the project into smaller steps. Keep track of your time and helpers and ask for help when you need it.

About Linda:

I became a Brownie Girl Scout in 1963. It was the first year with 4 program levels and I remember looking through my bright orange handbook whenever I had the chance. Monday afternoons were Brownie Girl Scout day at my elementary school. Our troop met right after school in the multi-purpose room. Our troop leaders were Mrs. Pharris and Mrs. Bolter and they continued with the troop all the way through Juniors and into Cadettes.

Some of my favorite girl memories are making butter and doing crafts as a Brownie. In Juniors we were able to sell cookies, go camping and do service projects in our community. I grew up in Palo Alto, CA. and our Junior and Cadette troop meetings were held at the Lou Henry Hoover Girl Scout House in one of our local parks. It was great fun learning how to cook (both indoors and out) at the GS House. After my first campout I came home and announced that we need to go camping as a family. We borrowed equipment from friends, loaded up the station wagon and our family went on our first camping trip to Big Basin State Park. It was the beginning of a lifetime of campouts.

As an adult I got back into Girl Scouting when a friend asked if I knew of a brand new program for Kindergarten age girls. Our oldest daughters were in preschool and would start Kindergarten in the fall. It was 1985 when we started our Daisy troop. All three of my daughters went through Girl Scouts from Daisies through Seniors, earned their Gold Awards and became lifetime members upon graduating high school. We had many great adventures as I led their troops through those 20 years.

During the 11 years I spent as an advisor to older girls we traveled, earned money to travel, led programs for younger girls, did community service projects and became great friends.

I spent many hours on the service unit team leading day camps, international festivals, and other community events in Loveland as well as becoming a Master Trainer in Mountain Prairie Council.

Most of my volunteer Girl Scout time is spent on the history committee. We meet every Tuesday in Loveland at the GSCO History Center. Our time there is spent organizing, inventorying and cataloging the vast collection of historic Girl Scout items that the council has. It is great fun finding a new treasure in an unopened box and looking through old catalogs to find out when it was available and how much it cost at the time.

I also am a member of the Northern Colorado Gold Award Committee. I truly enjoy working with the amazing young women who are working on their Gold Awards. As the president of Promise Partners; the Northern Colorado Girl Scout alumnae group I arrange meetings about four times a year where we meet for fun, fellowship and service.

My most recent volunteer role has been volunteer registrar for Core Camp at Meadow Mountain Ranch. We had a great weekend putting on a volunteer run resident camp like program for troops. I can’t wait to do it again next year.

I have done many amazing things as a Girl Scout and traveled to many wonderful places, both with girls and adults. Some of my more memorable trips include Belize, Nova Scotia and Maine, England, Savannah and to Our Cabana in Mexico to see the Monarch Butterflies.

My life outside of Girl Scouts includes enjoying my two young grandsons, gardening, quilting and traveling with my husband of 37 years. Although he is not a Girl Scout, he has always been a great support to me in my volunteer roles.

My advice to adults is to stay active in Girl Scouting and encourage your girls to continue with Girl Scouts into High School and beyond. The world will open up to you. Find your passion and let Girl Scouts help you fulfill it. You won’t regret it.


Fantastic Founder’s Day event

Submitted by Laura Lyznicki

Northern & Northeastern CO


We had a great turn out at our Founder’s Day event October 15, 2016 at The Ranch in Loveland! Thank you to all the girls and families who came out to help us celebrate our Founder, Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday. Your participation is what made this event the success that it was!

This year’s “carnival” theme was so much fun and filled with many laughs. It was incredible to see everyone laughing and spending time with each other while learning about what a special woman Juliette was. It is a true testament to her greatness that after this many years we are still coming together as Girl Scouts to celebrate her.

The celebration included pumpkin bowling, donut eating on a string contest, a pin the nose on the owl game, face painting, a marshmallow catapult, and a ‘gone fishin’ for a prize game! Special thanks to Troop 70884 for hosting the duck pond booth! You girls did an absolutely astounding job!

We hope everyone enjoyed the prizes, face paints, fun games, and interactive learning. Take a look at the pictures!

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Baily Holsinger, Larkspur, “Beanies for Babies”









What did you do for your Gold Award project?

For my Gold Award project, I not only crocheted beanies for newborn babies at Denver Health Medical Center and Baby Haven in Ft. Collins, I also held a number classes to teach people of all ages how to make the beanies.  During my classes, I also educated the students on the importance of covering a baby’s head as they lose heat quickly and the need for newborn baby items as many families struggle financially. I also shared how to make the beanies and ways to support these agencies on social media and with fliers in multiple areas trying to reach as many people as I can.

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

I measured impact of my project by how fast the beanies were delivered to families in need and how many more beanies Denver Health and Baby Haven needed.

How is your project sustainable? How  will  your  project  continue to impact after your  involvement?

First of all, my project will be sustained by those I taught. Each group was left with instructions as well as contact information for Denver Health and Baby Haven. The Denver Health staff will also be continuing my project  and reaching out to other hospitals in Denver who would be interested in a supply of beanies to give to families of newborn babies.

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

I have a Facebook page open to anyone and it has directions to make a beanie, directions on how to get started on holding a “Beanies for Babies” class, and suggestions on where they can deliver beanies.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I am a good teacher and when I need to I can take charge and be a leader. I am a less shy of a person than I thought.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

Earning my Gold Award made me a better leader and more aware of the needs in my community. This project will impact my future because I know that I will be able to be a leader in any situation and that I can lead people of all ages. I know I have the skills to continue to help my community and educate people about community needs and what they can do to make someone’s life better.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

The Gold Award project was very important to me because all my life I was a shy girl and this project helped me come out of my shell and be a leader. This project was the first major project that I have done from start to finish. Now I know that I am able to compete things that I set my mind to.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org

Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Daniell Plomondon, Erie, “I Am Different, Who Are You? Are You Different Too?”









What did you do for your Gold Award project?

My project addresses the lack of education surrounding the awareness of and interaction with those with disabilities. I addressed the issue of what a disability is, the acknowledgement that not all disabilities can be seen, introduced the concept of people first language, and what it means to be inclusive.

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

At the beginning of my presentation I asked how many of my audience members knew someone with a disability, as well as if they knew that vision loss and blindness are within the top 10 disabilities. One of the activities I had my audience members participate in was called “Disability for a Day.” This is a simulation of what it is like to live with a disability. This includes trying to button a shirt while wearing mittens, playing patty cake while wearing Vaseline covered glasses, walking around on crutches, and wearing a knee brace. This activity helped the students to get a better understanding of what some disabilities might be. This activity was closely followed by a discussion on how they, the students, were going to be inclusive, and a challenge for them to do that when the opportunity arises.

How is your project sustainable? How will your project continue to impact after your involvement?

My project is to be sustained through the EXPAND program. The Exciting Programs, Adventures, and New Dimensions (EXPAND) program helps people who have disabilities improve and gain new recreation and leisure skills that will enhance the participants’ overall well-being and their quality of life. My presentation will be used when presenting to younger age groups by the EXPAND program. I have also created a website where I have placed a link to my presentation. It will be open for others to use as a guideline if they are looking to create a presentation. The website includes pages on what disabilities are, ways to be inclusive, and examples of how to simulate disabilities. This website has been placed on social media pages and will be posted on an international blog.

Website: http://plomondondaniell.wixsite.com/differencematters

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

Disabilities affect people of all cultures; they are not limited strictly to Americans. As part of the project’s sustainability, I have located blogs both nationally and internationally, on which to share my experience and post a link to my website/social media pages as resources for others. My hope is that with my project people will be able to transcend cultural boundaries and help those of all nations.

What did you learn about yourself?

As ironic as it sounds, I learned to be myself. I have always felt self-conscious about living up to other’s expectations such that I didn’t always do what I wanted to do. When originally picking my Gold Award topic I had first chosen a topic that I wasn’t 100% committed to. I had an interest, but it wasn’t quite right. At this point, I had little time and I knew that if I wasn’t fully interested in my project, then I wasn’t going to succeed. It wasn’t until I had decided to focus on education about disabilities that I had found what I wanted to do. During this project, I learned that if you want to succeed, then you first have to learn to be yourself. That is when you find what you are looking for.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

My Gold Award taught me how to be a leader, face challenges and issues that may arise, and always be an advocate for what I believe in. Earning my Gold Award has helped prepare me to face new challenges that may present themselves in my future.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

This Gold Award was an important part of my Girl Scout experience because it helped me to look beyond myself, troop, and community. With the Gold Award, I was able to apply, reinforce, and fine-tune skills that I developed through my years of Girl Scouts while earning my Bronze and Silver Awards. From kindergarten to senior year, with a troop change, often times my troop(s) and I would look at issues within our community, but with my Gold Award I was able to apply my skills and expand, looking at problems beyond my own community, to both national and international communities.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org

Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Kathleen Otto, Fort Collins, ” A Learning Advantage”

Kathleen Otto


What did you do for your Gold Award project? 

My Gold Award involved informing parents and teachers about dyslexia by hosting a viewing of “The Big Picture:  Rethinking Dyslexia” and to lead a panel discussion after. I also created a Little Free Library for my neighborhood with bookmarks from the Rocky Mountain branch of the International Dyslexia Association with information about dyslexia.  It is important for parents and teachers to be well informed about dyslexia, because reading gives every child “A Learning Advantage.”

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

55 people attended the movie and panel, including a handful of students who attended with their parents. Of those 55 people 10-12 people were teachers and student-teachers.  Since my Little Free Library was installed I have received numerous comments about the Little Free Library being an asset and a welcome addition to my community. Neighbors from my community have donated books for the Little Free Library.

How is your project sustainable? How will your project continue to impact after your involvement? 

My Little Free Library will be kept up by the Willow Springs swim team which consists of 5-18-year-old kids from my neighborhood.  They will maintain the library by making repairs when necessary and making sure it is stocked with books.

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

The steps I took to inspire others included posting fliers around my neighborhood and at public libraries. I sent every principal and dean of students in the Poudre School District a copy of my flier for them to then distribute among teachers and parents. I also inspired parents through my presentation of “The Big Picture.” After the movie and panel, several of the parents were inspired to start a support group for parents with dyslexic kids.

What did you learn about yourself?

My Gold Award project has allowed me to gain confidence in myself and my abilities. I can assess problems I encounter and find the best possible route to fix them. I have gained important life and leadership skill thought my Gold Award experience.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

I believe that earning my Gold Award has impacted my future in many ways. I can now face the future with a smile and know that I can walk into the unknown ready to face the challenges.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

I feel that earning a Gold Award is important to every Girl Scouts’ experience. Not only does it build extremely important life skills, it teaches girls to be confident in their own abilities. Earning my Gold Award has been a very fulfilling experience. I have gained valuable skill for myself, but more importantly, I have helped my community and hopefully, in the long run a few kids who face the challenges of living with dyslexia.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org

Women’s Week at Meadow Mountain Ranch brings together a unique group of Girl Scouts

Submitted by Penny Roberts

Estes Park

Northern & Northeastern

For the third year in a row, it was great to see such a wonderful gathering of ladies at Women’s Week at Meadow Mountain Ranch.  11 different states(!) were represented from coast to coast and daughters joined their moms in the fun and camp experiences.  The most fun about Women’s Week is that we get to make our own program, with the only definite scheduling done around meal-times.  Those who wanted to get up almost at the crack of dawn hiked up to the top of Vista Spur with “Pan” (Penny Roberts) to see the mountains all around and enjoy the crisp mountain air and the comradery.  There are songs that go with that experience, like “The Grasses are Bending,” “Railroad Corral,” and “There’s a Blue Sky.”

Several unique experiences helped to combine to make this year’s ladies get-away super-special.  First of all, there were nine of us who, among other things, were Rounduppers from more than 50 years ago. We had made contact with these gals at the 1965 Roundup Reunion in Idaho last fall, and publicized our Women’s Week.  So, two ladies from Connecticut traveled all the way here, enjoyed a few extra days in the Estes Park area, and are already planning to return next year!  One gal from Nebraska reconnected with MMR after having worked here on staff for the summer of 1966 and had not been back since!  Maybe we can find even more of that group of alums to come and join us.

Embedded in our plan-it-yourselves program this year was a mini-reunion to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of the establishment of MMR in 1961.  There were camp tours, very special brunch and dinner, flag ceremony, and campfire setting in the lodge.  In addition, the new sundial on the top of the time capsule was dedicated, honoring and recognizing the sculptor Ted Schaal, and our benefactor Alma Hix.  I hope you get to come to MMR to see that gorgeous addition to the main camp area.

Susan Baker and her diligent and dedicated older Girl Scout gals from Ft. Collins have provided food service again this year.  With the fire ban in effect in Boulder County, cookouts were different, if still fun and delectable.  The reunion brunch and banquet dinner were over-the-top in featuring a variety of offerings, including quiche, fresh fruits and veggies, roast chicken, appetizers and some special libations.  Of course, an anniversary cake showed off the old MMR logo and was enjoyed by all.

Coffee service thanks to our “Coffee Queen” Pat Kingsbury, began at 5 a.m., and never failed us.  We were all free to choose our preferred place to rest our heads at the end of the day, but there were still lots of sing-alongs around the fire circle, “Tajar Tales,” lots of visiting and reminiscing.

Crafts were featured nearly everywhere, a grand tour took us up and over and around and down the trails, more than one hike to Hercules, Gnome National Forest nature activity and other special features spiced up the time.

So, mark your calendars, ladies, as the Fourth Annual Women’s Week for 2017 has already been scheduled!  The dates are July 17 – 20, 2017, and our cost for the entire event will be $180.00 per person for the entire event.  Some financial aid is available.

Women’s Week is open to any women age 18 or older.  Some mobility considerations can be made as well as any dietary restrictions or considerations.  Invite your friends, co-workers, daughters and grand-daughters and come and join in the very special ladies-only true outdoor camp experience.  Questions or registrations can be sent any time to very informal camp director, Penny “Pan” Roberts at probertscolo@gmail.com or phone 970 586 1775 or by mail to PO Box 211, Estes Park, Co. 80517.  Spread the word, and we hope to see you there next summer.

Volunteer of Excellence awards given at MMR Core Camp

Volunteer of excellence awards 2016

Submitted by Penny Roberts

Estes Park

Northern & Northeastern Colorado

Three young women were presented with the “Volunteer of Excellence” award at this summer’s Core Camp at Meadow Mountain Ranch.  This newly-instituted national-level award is given for outstanding service while working directly with girls.

Jennifer Hayes (“Wally), Jenny Schmitz (“Coon”), and Wendy Roberts (“Zoot”) were surprised with a plaque and pin by Savanna Inman and Peyton Buhler who, with other Ft. Collins girls in Susan Baker’s troop, wanted to recognize these “awesome Girl Scout volunteers.”

Jennifer Hayes was recognized “for being an awesome Camp Director, and for bringing so many girls to Meadow Mountain Ranch. We love your enthusiasm and patience, and thank you for teaching us new skills.”

Jenny Schmitz was recognized “for organizing all of the schedules and activities, and for teaching us so many new crafts.  We love your dedication to the mission, and thank you for helping us have so much fun at camp.”

Wendy Roberts was also recognized for “being an awesome Camp Director, and for giving new life to Meadow Mountain Ranch.  We love your energy and knowledge, and thank you for helping us grow in Girl Scouts.”

These quotes were from the Court of Awards ceremony which highlighted letters of endorsement from individuals and several nominations.  The Girl Scouts of Colorado Recognition Committee and the Board of Directors approved these awards.

It is fitting and proper that these young adults be honored, recognized and encouraged in their life-long continuing efforts to portray the best character traits that make Girl Scouting the special and wonderful organization for girls and women possible.  It’s also testimony to the fact that after you are 18 years of age, continued hard work and dedication can pay off as an adult Girl Scout, by encouraging younger girls to continue with the mission.





Throwback Thursday: Troop 782

40963104_Ceal Barry

Submitted by Linda Robinson

Northern & Northeastern CO


In September 1995, Ceal Barry (former CU women’s basketball coach) came to Loveland to help Girl Scouts Mountain Prairie Council with a fundraiser. Cadette/Senior Troop 782 was asked to help. Pictured here are Debi Ferguson, Jessica Robinson, Ceal Barry, Cindy Robinson and Elizabeth Ferguson. These girls are all grown up now. I hope they remember their time in Troop 782 with fond memories