Tag Archives: Juniors

Welcome Baskets Bronze Award

Three Juniors from Troop 46327 saw a request for help and a need within our community. Izabella, Ka’Leigh, and Selena wanted to make welcome baskets for our local veterans and homeless community. They set their goal at 10 baskets, went shopping to create their financial goal, and set up a lemonade stand to earn money for the items needed.

The girls exceeded their goals and these wonderful baskets will make community members happy and feel welcome in their new homes.

Earn Your Horsemanship Badge with Colorado Reining Heroes

Submitted by David Eason

Metro Denver


If you have ever considered learning about horses and how to ride them, you will definitely want to participate in the Reining Heroes program especially designed for Girl Scouts. Girl Scout Juniors can even earn their Horsemanship Badge in a warm, welcoming—and fun!—environment.

When you arrive at the stables and walk by the horses on your way to the tack shed, these gentle giants meet and welcome you as you pass by. The Reining Heroes horses love Girl Scouts and eagerly anticipate working with you. On the tour of the grounds, you will meet other horses, which might include a couple of adorable, friendly minis.

You will see and learn about different kinds of horses, their different colors, and the historical uses of some of them, such as for knights in shining armor of medieval times.

Your unmounted lesson will be hands-on: catching, haltering, leading, and grooming the horses—no standing around watching! When you are riding, the horse is yours, and you are the boss. When you are not riding, you will be helping another rider and her horse.

Lessons this year are every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 – 11 a.m. in May, June, July, and August. For more information about the program, refer to the Event List or Events Calendar on the Girl Scouts of Colorado website at https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/. Weekends are not available for lessons this year. If that changes, the GSCO Events Calendar will be updated.

Reining Heroes has been conducting this program for Girl Scouts for more than three years, and more than 400 Girl Scouts have earned their Horsemanship Badges here.

To register, either email reiningheroes@yahoo.com or call or text the instructor, Paula Quillen, at (303) 877-0371. If you have any questions or want to tour the facility before deciding to participate in the program, you can email, call, or text Paula.

You can see more about Reining Heroes including photos of the facility, horses, and prior Girl Scout participants at https://www.facebook.com/ReiningHeroes/photos/?ref=page_internal.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Save The Date: Girl Scout University 2021

Submitted by Elizabeth Rouse

Metro Denver


Girl Scout University is back! Sponsored by the Alpha Phi Omega chapter at the University of Denver, Girl Scout University will take place on April 17, 2021! This provides your Girl Scouts the opportunity to earn two badges in one fun-filled morning!

Due to social distancing practices, this year’s event will be held online using the Zoom platform. We will be offering a few different badges for Juniors and Cadettes, who can pick one badge for the first session and another for the second session.

As this is our first year hosting this event virtually, we are working hard to put together a great event. Badges will be announced on March 27, and registration will open the same day.

For questions, please contact gsu@apo-alphaetaiota.org.


We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

A Trip to Mars: An Immersive Murder Mystery Experience In Space

Attention Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes! Register for A Trip to Mars – An Immersive Murder Mystery Experience In Space by Twists N Turns. The cost is $17/girl, $10/adult and there are multiple dates to choose from. Link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-trip-to-mars-an-immersive-murder-mystery-experience-in-space-tickets-132699330269

Rumor has it that there has been some foul play on the planet Mars! After a secret mission went awry, an astronaut has gone missing. The final transmission was concerning and we were hired to investigate. Can you help solve the mystery and find a way home?

If your girl loves mystery-themed novels and detective shows, then this class will give her the chance to test her critical thinking skills in hypothetical situations based in fantasy and reality. She will learn how to excel in puzzles and riddles and will find herself using lateral thinking to be more creative in her guesses. The puzzles and riddles will involve colors, wordplay, shapes, and math.

The mysteries will be presented to the class through videos, images, and text on the screen. The facilitator will narrate the story and explain each puzzle, encouraging students to use what they see or hear to make informed guesses. They will look for misdirections, and break down the steps necessary to solve the puzzles. Then, they will share and debate hypotheses with their troop ultimately working together to solve the mystery before class ends.

Materials: Pencil and paper to write down clues!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Girl Scouts Celebrate Bridging to Cadettes

Submitted by Penny Roberts

Northern & Northeastern CO

Estes Park

On a perfect fall afternoon at Stanley Park with a backdrop of clouds, sun, and a herd of elk, family and friends gathered to help Troop 70264 celebrate the bridging of four Girl Scout Juniors to the next program level of Cadettes.  Cadettes are in grades sixth through eighth and are very capably led by leaders Christine Guy and Amanda Hoskins.

This ceremony celebrated two whole years of activities, fun, and community service for a very committed group of girls who have their futures clearly in mind.  The current world situation has done nothing to quench their accomplishments or douse their enthusiasm for Girl Scouts with a strong support of all their families.  Yes, they sold cookies in the spring, getting that accomplishment just before schools closed and their summer was changed from in-person trips and activities to online and special group projects.  Yes, they are selling Fall Products right now.

Help me recognize each girl individually for her accomplishments.

Angelina.:  18 badges, one Journey, and her Bronze Award.  Angelina reports that First-Aid was her favorite badge and their visit to the Denver Zoo was her favorite activity.

Haven:  16 badges, one Journey, and her Bronze Award.  Haven says that Playing the Past was her favorite badge because it let them visit the History Center in Loveland, dress up in period uniforms, and learn to relate to Girl Scouts from past years.  Her favorite activity was the glassblowing workshop with local artists.

Sarah:  22 badges, two Journeys, and her Bronze Award.  Sarah loves the out-of-doors and naturally, the Camping badge was her favorite.  She loves Meadow Mountain Ranch and can have a good time “even if it’s snowing,” according to Sarah.  Add sledding and sand surfing at the Great Sand Dunes and you can see where her optimistic outlook comes from.  She also reports that horseback riding was another favorite activity.

Paige:  13 badges, one Journey, and her Bronze Award. She was not present at the ceremony to tell us about her favorite badges and activities, but she’s an active Cadette now by virtue of meeting requirements for advancement through program levels.

Other girls expressed their love for Girl Scouts with a long list of accomplishments even through the summer program restriction due to COVID.  “Breathe” is a favorite Journey program, focusing on air pollution, environmental issues, and the relationship between trees and the air we breathe.  “Animal Helpers” including therapy dogs, horses, dolphins and even rats spark inspiration in girls to learn more about how training and national programs match people with their creature friends.

A field trip to the Noosa Yogurt Factory allowed the girls to see the farm where the special organically-fed cows give their milk.  They watched the very “happy cows” ride the “Cowasell,” the automated system that harvests the milk daily without ever being touched.

The Community Garden also allowed this troop to be involved this summer in planning, planting, cultivating, and harvesting Plot #66.  Perennials included a large amount of mint, sage, chives, strawberries, and rhubarb.  Deciding to specialize in plants to attract pollinators, the girl added blanket flowers, marigolds, sunflowers, a blueberry bush, and several other perennials.  Even a little bee house was built.

The girls are very quick to relate their future plans to travel when the situation in the world allows it. The financial profits from the past two years of cookie and product sales are safely stored away in the bank to help support their travel plans. As Girl Scout Cadettes, the girls will make all the decisions and plans, including research of places to go, schedule for the trip and, of course, all financial and budgetary activities. They first would like to travel through Colorado by train, and ultimately set their sights on an international trip to Scotland.

Congratulations to all the girls who bridged as well as to those who will continue with the troop.  THANKS to all the leaders and family support systems who make this group so special.  To join Girl Scouts on any level or to become a new adult volunteer, please contact Recruitment Specialist for Girl Scouts of Colorado, Cherie Schonfeld, at cheri.schonfeld@gscolorado.org.  Or contact me, Penny Roberts, Service Unit Manager, at probertscolo@gmail.com or by phone at (970) 586-1775.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Awesome Girls Road to Global Travel: Junior Troop Series






Want to learn more about global Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding? About travel and other global opportunities? Join Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) for an informative four-part, girl-led virtual series for Girl Scout Junior troops*! You’ll build cross-cultural knowledge as you learn all about our global movement, including five exciting places you can visit around the world called the World Centers, and participate in fun, globally focused activities. We’ll cover Girl Scouts’ “travel progression” and how you can take the lead in successful travel planning.

Road to Global Travel: Junior Troop Series is a free series held on Thursday evenings from 5 to 5:45 p.m. MST on November 5, 19, December 3, and January 14. Registration is required. Troop leaders: please register. Once you do, you’ll get instructions for inviting your troop members to the program.

Register now: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9097213383110418702

There will be a workbook provided with this series, which will contain all materials.

Sponsored by The World Foundation.

*Independently registered Girl Scouts are welcome to join as well!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

STREAM Girls: Grand Junction and Montrose

Register now for STREAM Girls programs and pick up your gear in Grand Junction or Montrose: https://gscolorado.formstack.com/forms/stream_girls_blended_ws_10_22_2020

Registration will close on Monday, October 19, 2020 OR when capacity has been reached.

Virtual kick off: Thursday, October 22 at 5 p.m. via Zoom

Virtual reflection: Sunday, November 1 at 3 p.m. via Zoom

Gear pick up at Canyon View Park, Grand Junction: Friday, October 23 at 4 – 6 p.m.

Gear drop off at Canyon View Park, Grand Junction: Sunday, November 1 at 5 p.m.

Gear pick up at Ross Reels, Montrose: Friday, October 23 at 4 – 6 p.m.

Gear drop at Ross Reels, Montrose: Sunday, November 1 at 5 p.m.

STREAM Girls gives Girl Scout Juniors and Cadettes the opportunity to earn a special patch as they serve as citizen scientists, anglers, and artists, in order to build an appreciation for watershed conservation and the environment. This outdoor watershed experience employs STEM-education (science, technology, engineering, math) plus recreation and arts to explore a local stream.

Every person is a citizen of her watershed, and Colorado Trout Unlimited (TU) has partnered with Girl Scouts of Colorado so that girls will get the complete picture of what their stream could mean to them.

In this hybrid take home/virtual program, TU will provide Girls Scouts with the necessary gear, a Stream Girls Field Notebook, and a resource list with videos guiding Girl Scouts through six activities that they will complete over 10 days. Additionally, girls are expected to join a virtual program kick off on Thursday and a reflection meeting the next Sunday to discuss what they have learned.

Activities include:

  • Stream Walk – Observing and documenting the stream/river and surrounding area
  • Go with the Flow – Calculating river flow rates using everyday tools and simple math
  • Macroinvertebrate Survey – Investigating the insect life that lives in the stream and support fish
  • Fly-Casting – Developing skills to fly fish and practicing in your own backyard/neighborhood park
  • Fly-Tying – Creating a “fly” to imitate one of the macroinvertebrates commonly found in Colorado
  • Scavenger Hunt/Bracelet Building – Testing your knowledge of healthy streams and creating a unique bracelet to represent your local watershed!

Activities are expected to take approximately six hours, in total, and can be broken up into several days. Colorado Trout Unlimited will provide the necessary gear and supplies associated with each activity. Gear will be picked-up and dropped off at Canyon View Park in Grand Junction OR Ross Reels in Montrose.

Please indicate your pick up/drop off location upon registration. Colorado Trout Unlimited has enough gear/supplies for 24 participants. Additional participants may be able to register, if using their own gear or sharing with another Girl Scout. Please acknowledge any shared gear in registration.

Adults picking up gear on behalf of Girl Scouts will be required to complete a gear agreement upon pick up. Certificates of completion and patches will be distributed upon gear drop off. If using your own gear, certificates of completion and patches will be mailed after the program is complete. Please indicate if you are picking up supplies or using your own supplies.

As a self-guided event, Colorado Trout Unlimited and GSCO encourages Girl Scouts to complete this activity with their families. Please be sure to follow all state, county, and local public health guidelines surrounding COVID-19.

Registration will close on Monday, October 19 OR when capacity has been reached. All waivers, pre-information, and log in information for virtual meetings will be provided for all participants via email after registration closes.

If picking up supplies and gear – all supplies will be packaged as a set and available during the gear pick-up; Certificates and patches will be presented upon gear return. Participants are welcome to use their own gear/equipment. Please use the list below when compiling your own gear/supplies. For participants not requiring a gear set, the Field Notebook and Macroinvertebrate Guide will be sent via email; Patches and certificates will be mailed to the address you provide upon registration.

Supply List:

  • Field Notebook and Macroinvertebrate Guide
  • Writing Utensil (Colored pencils are great to have, as well)
  • Wading Boots/Waders (If weather/water temperatures are warm enough, sturdy water shoes can be used)
  • Stopwatch (smart phones work great)
  • Something that floats (stick, ping pong ball, etc)
  • Calculator (phone works great)
  • Measuring Tape (at least 30’)
  • Bug net (Kitchen Strainer will work)
  • Collection Pan (Tupperware or small white buckets can be effective)
  • Magnifying glass
  • Small sorting tray (ice cube trays work well)
  • Fly rod, reel, and line
  • Fly tying vise
  • Fly tying tools
  • Fly tying materials for midge pattern including hook and thread.
  • Extra fly line for bracelet (Other material will work, as well)
  • Beads for bracelet activity
  • All girls must have current Girl Scout Membership

If you need to submit multiple registration forms, click the “back” button on your browser and make necessary edits and submit the form again for additional attendees.

There are no refunds for this event.

If you have any questions about this event or have trouble completing registration, please contact inquiry@gscolorado.org or 877-404-5708.

Two pick up/drop off locations available:

  • Canyon View Park (730 24 Rd, Grand Junction, CO 81505)
  • Ross Reels (1101 Mayfly Dr., Montrose, CO 81401)

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Junior aMuse Journey

Submitted by Meredith Locke

Northern & Northeastern CO


Join us for one amazing Girl Scout Journey hosted by Lafayette’s Girl Scout Troop 72235! This event will be a fun-filled time of breaking stereotypes and learning roles of women around the world!

When:  November 15, 2020 from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Where: Arts Hub, 420 Courtney Way, Lafayette, CO (This event will be at the Arts Hub or virtual depending on the state of things at the time.)

Cost: $30 per Girl Scout, badge included

Register here: https://junior-amuse-journey-possibly-virtual.cheddarup.com 

If you have any questions, email Meredith at mltlocke@gmail.com.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Girl Scout Engineering Day with Colorado School of Mines

The Society of Women Engineers at Colorado School of Mines is thrilled to invite Girl Scout Juniors to participate in their annual Girl Scout Engineering Day on Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 9 – 11 a.m. This year, the program is virtual, and girls have the option to order a supply kit in advance or gather their own supplies. This virtual exploration of science and engineering will consist of a variety of STEM activities and a short panel discussion.

Register for a supply kit online (you may have to copy and paste this link into your browser): https://commerce.cashnet.com/SWE_MEP

  • $10 per supply box- We recommend one box of supplies per Girl Scout
  • Each supply box will include an Engineering Day patch
  • Registration for supply boxes will close October 23

Register to participate and assemble your own supplies: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfhQvPVfURjIwYp8RGpafLIkX33gUzvCObd6fwLjZOYAiph6g/viewform

  • Registration is free if you choose to gather your own supplies. Girls will be mailed their Engineering Day patch after the program.
  • Registration for participation with your own supplies will close November 5.

* Please note: Registration forms must be completed once per Girl Scout. You cannot register multiple girls at a time. All participants will receive information about how to log into the virtual program via email before the program date. Enter “0” for your troop number if you are registering a Juliette.

Supplies (either included in your supply box OR items you will have to assemble on your own):

  • Paper (in both small strips and long strips)
  • Straws (a whole bunch)
  • Ruler
  • One Clear jar (mason jar, empty peanut butter jar, or Tupperware)
  • Food coloring
  • Smallish cardboard box (about the size of a shoebox)
  • Two paper or plastic cups (paper is suggested)
  • Water based marker (more colors will be more fun, but you really only need one)
  • String
  • Four paper clips (at least two of them need to be large)
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • White coffee filters (at least five)
  • Balloon

ALL participants will need to gather the items listed below before the program:

  • Scissors
  • Tape (scotch, masking, or packaging)
  • Water
  • Dirty water (this can come from a pond or stream, or just tap water with a handful of dirt)
  • Coffee mug or other container that can withstand heat
  • Spoon
  • Small weights (marbles, pennies, gravel, or something similar)
  • Two relatively sturdy things of equal height you could move around a room (two chairs, chair and table, etc.)
  • Questions to ask SWE volunteers about science and engineering

Questions? Email Madeline Keck at mkeck@mymail.mines.edu.

Event flier: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/dam/girlscoutsofcolorado/flyers/2020/Final_GSED_Flyer_2020.png

More information: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/events-repository/2020/girl_scout_engineeri.html

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Looking for Some Pen Pals

Submitted by Beth Emmons Beth

Frankenmuth, MI

Hi! My name is Beth and I am leader for a Daisy troop and a Junior troop in Frankenmuth, MI. This year, we would love to have pen pals from another troop in another state. Would any of you like to connect with us? Right now, I have 19 girls total. We are excited to learn from another troop. If you are interested, please email bethann302@gmail.com. Put “pen pals” in the subject line. Thank you for considering!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.