Tag Archives: Highest Awards

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards

Girl Scout Open House in Colorado Springs!

Fun with friends. New adventures. Making a difference. You’re ready to go and Girl Scouts is ready for you.

Come Discover all that Girl Scouts has to offer. Earn a FREE patch while trying hands-on activities at our Girl Scout Stations.

Come experiment an Egg drop , make S’mores, SWAPs and bring a piece of clothing you want to tie-dye with us!

Check out The Fossil Mobile equipped with fossil shale and tools for you to get a hands-on fossil collecting experience!

Browse our Mobile Shop and purchase food and snacks from the Navajo Tacos Food Truck!

Come talk to our Older Girl Scouts and take a picture at our Selfie Booth.

Fun filled events for all!

Register here: 

Contact: sarah.elzahed-moorman@gscolorado.org or 719-304-8313

Unlock your FREE access to CollegeLab!


Starting your college search or right in the middle of it all? No matter where you are in the process CollegeLab can help! CollegeLab is a college admissions tool that helps people navigate and manage the college admissions process. From detailed college search tools to managing your application process, it’s an amazing resource to help keep you organized through this adventure. BONUS for Girl Scouts – it’s FREE! Simply work on your College Knowledge badge, get approval for your Gold Award proposal, OR earn your Girl Scout Gold Award to get your account started!

Some more details for you to know:

  • CollegeLab encourages you to enter profile information including any scores or school information (GPA, ACT/SAT scores) upon account creation, so it knows a bit about you.
  • Plug in your preferred states, conferences (Big 10, UAA, etc.), regions, locations (city, suburban, urban or rural), type ofsSchool (public or private), student to faculty ratio and many extras (like ROTC, greek life, early action, all female) and your preferred program and see what schools come up!
  • Once the algorithm does its work and you get your list of schools, you can dig deeper into each school’s information and choose which ones to add to a list.
  • Once your list is created, you can see your reach schools, target schools and likely schools (which the website creates using the scores and information you entered). A goal for you to have (as you complete more tests and enter scores): watch the schools in your lists move around from reach to target to likely! Then, as the application process happens, record your steps taken with each of your preferred schools to keep yourself organized and on task.

Not ready to take the steps yet? No problem, just BOOKMARK this page so it’s handy when you need it. girlscouts.collegelab.org.

Bronze Award Project: You are Invited

Submitted by Jessica Spangler

Metro Denver


Four Juniors in multi-level Troop 65659 came together in 2020 with a goal: earn the Bronze Award. They finished the aMUSE Journey online, culminating in a play they created to bust the stereotype that firefighters are male (https://youtu.be/I8lFJo2C3C4).

Meeting online once or twice per month, they built their team, virtually toured their neighborhoods, observed eleven problems, and interviewed experts. In December, they finalized their choice: children being left out and socially excluded.

They started 2021 with a vision to address feeling left out: “Happy, Helping, Gathering, Respect Others’ Feelings, Feel Welcomed, Respect others, Speaking to each other, Go somewhere and talk.” They said their goal for the project was to include “horses” and “campfires.” Julianna had an idea to help children feel welcome: a “Kindness Board” where each youth would write something positive about another and post it for everyone to see.

In March and April, despite two of the girls being unable to continue with the project, Juniors Kennedy and Julianna continued undaunted and created the You Are Invited Club for all children and youth who feel left out and excluded.

They personally visited two nonprofit farms that provide classes and programming to youth in the community and asked the owners to host their club. They were so grateful that both farms said yes! They made videos to advertise their new program (https://youtu.be/AsAyz1uar9c and https://youtu.be/wgIXa2KL91c).

Once the new club was publicized by each farm, Kennedy and Julianna got together for a mini-pizza party to create a poster, write thank you notes, and celebrate their accomplishment that was a year and a half in the making.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Gold Award Candidate Collecting Items for Mary’s Homes of Hope

Submitted by Ciara Marie L., Girl Scout Gold Award candidate

Metro Denver


I am a Girl Scout from Troop 63449. For my Gold Award, I am helping Mary’s Homes of Hope educate the community and nation about single mothers and women, and some of the struggles that they face. I created a website for Mary’s Homes of Hope at www.maryshomesofhope.com to spread awareness about single mothers and women in need of support. In turn, I have collected many donations of baby supplies and household items on a Target registry that were donated to Mary’s Homes of Hope for the women who live there. Also, I held a donation drive at St. Bernadette Catholic Parish on June 6, 2021 for parishioners and the community to come and donate any supplies Mary’s Homes of Hope may need. We received more than 150 different items of household, office, and baby supplies for Mary’s Homes of Hope and we are so grateful. I hope to make a positive impact in my community and the world by addressing this issue that is important to me since it will also allow me to grow, learn, and help change the community and the world one step at a time.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Girl Scout Gold Award project: Igniting Adventure Event

Submitted by Corinne R., Girl Scout Gold Award candidate

Metro Denver


As a capstone piece of my Gold Award project, I created Igniting Adventure event to teach girls outdoor skills that can be used in the wilderness. The skills the girls will be learning are: outdoor hygiene, water purification, orienteering, tent set up, shelter building, camouflage, outdoor cooking, fire building, packing, and Leave No Trace. This camp is for Juniors and Cadettes. It is a three evening camp on July 14, 21, and 28, 2021 from 4:30 – 9 p.m. at Barr Lake State Park. Register using this link: https://igniting-adventure-outdoor-skills-twilight-event.cheddarup.com/

I created this camp to get more girls interested in camping and outdoor activities. I have always gone out to do these activities and this is my way of sharing the joy I have with others.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Gold Award Girl Scout: Ruby Boswell, Colorado Springs, “Closet of Confidence”

What did you do for your Gold Award project?

For my Gold Award project, I created and implemented a closet into my high school office that held various feminine hygiene products and resources, called the Closet of Confidence. Along with the closet, I began open and honest conversations with faculty, students, and parents about the discomfort felt in young female students coming to school on their periods and not feeling prepared. My project overall addressed the issue of the lack of availability of feminine hygiene products in middle and high schools, and the statistically low self-esteem gained when a young woman is on her period, which can lead to her missing school days and prohibiting her from getting a full, uninterrupted education. The Closet of Confidence ensures that a young woman will never have to limit her education by a circumstance she cannot control and provides her with confidence and assurance to learn without barriers.

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

The Closet of Confidence has been used by several high school girls, and in talking with them about the closet’s impact, they have stated that the product’s presence has eased their mind about coming to school on their periods. My audience learned that being on their period doesn’t mean they have to stay home and miss out on their education. They have products there for them to equip them to have the confidence to get a good education. The Closet of Confidence has been publicized and will have even further use going into the coming school years

How is your project sustainable? How will your project continue to impact after your involvement?

I partnered with the National Honor Society at my school, and they have agreed that any products brought in for the closet will be counted for service hours, depending on how much product. Along with the National Honor Society, the Parent Teacher Organization will be contributing. They plan on evaluating every semester if the closet needs refilling and will place in products via their own funds or run a PTO sponsored donation drive for the closet. My project advisor, Jana Wilson, works in the school office and will ensure that product gets placed.

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

For my national connection, I have been in contact with several educators around Colorado and the country who are eager and willing to help encourage their communities to implement the Closet of Confidence into their school districts.

What did you learn about yourself?

Throughout this whole process, I learned several things about myself. I learned that I am fueled by what I am passionate about. Uplifting young women and giving them the resources they need to be successful and confident gives me great joy and encourages me to continue on a path of persuing passion. I also learned a lot about what confidence truly is, where it comes from, and what it means to me. Confidence does not come from an outside source or someone telling you you’re worthy, it comes from a deep knowledge that the authentic you is worthy and capable, which gives you the confidence to be bold and be yourself. This is definitely the biggest insight I gained in doing my project.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

In earning my Gold Award, I have gained an experience in leadership, management, and service that will benefit me in my academic and professional careers as I continue toward my goals. My interests and passions were reinforced, and I intend to continue my journey to uplifting and empowering women of all ages. Above all, in the midst of a pandemic, and an extremely challenging year, I saw this project to completion. I had to dig deep to make it happen and I did it. I am confident in my ability to see future projects to completion as well.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

I have been involved with Girl Scouts since first grade and have met some of my best friends and have gained experiences that I will treasure forever and look back on with gratitude for the lessons I’ve learned. The other girls in my troop and my troop leader have truly inspired me, and we all have offered love and support for one another these many years. Completing my Gold Award is the best way to conclude a phenomenal Girl Scout experience.

How did earning your Gold Award help you become a G.I.R.L. (go-getter, innovator, risk-taker, leader)? 

Earning my Gold Award undoubtably helped me become a G.I.R.L. I learned how to reach for my goals for the Closet of Confidence as a go-getter. I saw the need for a change and something new in my school system, so I took action in creating it as an innovator. I entered into conversations about topics that are considered taboo, such as feminine hygiene, and encouraged open discussion, teaching me to be a risk-taker. Finally, I learned how communication, cooperation and management are what make a good leader.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication, and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email highestawards@gscolorado.org.

Bronze Award project: Snuffle Mats

Submitted by Silvia M.

Pikes Peak

Woodland Park

I love animals, and wanted to do something to help them. I went to TCRAS, Teller County Regional Animal Shelter, and talked to the staff about what they needed. They suggested snuffle mats, which are made out of plastic or rubber mats, with strips of fleece woven in the holes, and tied in knots. Treats can be hidden for the dogs to find. Instead of being bored all day, they have something to do while waiting for a new home. The Junior group in my troop researched the material, and made nine mats for the shelter, and we’re still making some more. The shelter and dogs LOVE them!

I’ve been a Girl Scout since I was a Daisy, and am now in fifth grade. Girl Scouting has taught me so many skills, and I’ve made so many new friends. With this Bronze Award, I’ve learned decision-making and leadership, teaching the fourth graders how to do this project and getting their opinions about what we should do. I am looking forward to becoming a Cadette, working on new badges and Journeys, and earning the Silver Award!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Troop 35 earns Bronze Award

Submitted by Nikki Milton

Metro Denver


Troop 35 was in the middle of their Bronze Award project when the pandemic hit, putting everything on hold. We are happy to say that we were able to finish the project, a year later, and the results are amazing. Our troop picked The Delores Project, which provides safe, comfortable shelter and services for unaccompanied women and transgender individuals experiencing homelessness. They asked us for help on two fronts, build shelving for their pantry and create an outdoor garden of herbs and vegetables they could use in their kitchen. Our troop of 18 split into two groups and tackled both projects. The residents couldn’t stop asking us questions and expressing their gratitude for our work. It was a great experience for the girls and we are looking forward to starting our Silver Award project next year.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

2021 Virtual Highest Awards Celebrations: Watch Now

Thank you to everyone who joined Girl Scouts of Colorado on Sunday, May 16 for the 2021 Highest Awards Virtual Celebrations!  Missed the celebrations? That’s okay. You can watch the recordings now on the GSCO Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Facebook Links

YouTube Links

Whether you joined us live or are watching the recordings at a later date, we encourage troops and families to make these events feel special for their Highest Awards Girl Scouts in any way possible! Dress up, have your girl wear her Girl Scout vest/sash, decorate your home, or maybe bake something special. Also, be sure to share congratulations for your troop and help our Highest Awards Girl Scouts feel even more proud of their huge accomplishments. You can also use these Highest Awards social media graphics or share photos and videos from your celebration with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Twitter and Instagram users should also use #GSColo.

Honor Your Highest Awards Girl Scout

Honor your Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award Girl Scout by making a gift to Girl Scouts of Colorado to help us continue to support older girls who are making the world a better place! Make your donation here: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/support-us/donate.html

Questions? Email highestawards@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

2021 Highest Awards Virtual Celebrations: How to Watch

Join Girl Scouts of Colorado on Sunday, May 16 for the 2021 Highest Awards Virtual Celebrations! You do NOT need to RSVP or have a link to attend these virtual celebrations. You can watch the live premieres on our Facebook page. You can get a notification that the event is starting, by clicking the “Get Reminder” button on the bottom right of the video premiere post.

Aren’t on Facebook? That’s okay. Watch on our YouTube channel using these links:

Please note that these links will not work until the celebration starts. If you log on early, you may need to refresh your screen at the start time.

We encourage troops and families to make these events feel special for their Highest Awards Girl Scouts in any way possible! Dress up, have your girl wear her Girl Scout vest/sash, decorate your home, or maybe bake something special. Also, be sure to share congratulations for your troop and help our Highest Awards Girl Scouts feel even more proud of their huge accomplishments. You can also use these Highest Awards social media graphics or share photos and videos from your celebration with us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. Twitter and Instagram users should also use #GSColo.

Please share this information with all the girls in your troop who earned their award, and their families. We encourage all Bronze and Silver Award Girl Scouts to also attend the Gold Award celebration at 3 p.m. to hear about all of the amazing things Girl Scouts in Colorado did this past year.

Win a Prize

This year, there is a scavenger hunt for girls during the virtual celebrations! The scavenger hunt sheet is available to download now on our Highest Awards webpage.

To enter in the drawing to win a prize from the GSCO Retail Shop, submit your scavenger hunt sheet to highestawards@gscolorado.org by 8 p.m. on Sunday, May 16!

To find all of the scavenger hunt items, girls will need to watch either the Bronze or Silver Award celebration AND the Gold Award celebration. Girls do not need to watch both the Bronze and Silver celebrations for the scavenger hunt, the items from those celebrations will be the same.

Honor Your Highest Awards Girl Scout

Honor your Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award Girl Scout by making a gift to Girl Scouts of Colorado to help us continue to support older girls who are making the world a better place! Make your donation here: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/support-us/donate.html

Questions? Email highestawards@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.