Tag Archives: girl scout museum

Small town Girl Scouts explore big city

submitted by Troop 10015

Small town girls visiting the big city. This is the real life story for Cadette/Senior Girl Scout Troop 10015 from Gunnison. Troop 10015 got an experience of the big city life by getting to ride a train called the “Light Rail” and going to a historical Girl Scout museum in the welcoming home of Ernie and Carol. Finally, we got go to the Buell Theater and see “Wicked,” the untold story of the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda, the Good Witch. “Wicked” is a musical that catches and keeps you on the edge of your seats with anticipation until the end.

We would love to have this experience again or maybe even a farther journey. Hopefully in the close or distant future, we will get to see more musicals and more historical Girl Scout hotspots!! Thank you especially to Ernie and Carol, the amazing “Wicked” actors and Kelly, our leader.


