Tag Archives: Gardening patch program

Girl Scouts Make Bee-utiful Bee Hotels!

On Saturday, June 26, Girl Scouts in Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, and Longmont gathered to build their own bee hotels and learn other ways to protect the habitats of Colorado’s most prodigious pollinators: solitary bees!

Part of GSCO’s new Gardening Patch Program, building bee hotels is a fun and creative way to spend time outside and take action to benefit wildlife. If you’d like to build your own bee hotel, check out this video:

GSCO’s next outdoor meet up will be in July. Come join us and other Girl Scouts in creating some Outdoor Art masterpieces. Craft a windchime to make music using the wind, go on a photographic scavenger hunt, and/or paint using nature as your inspiration. Girl Scouts working on their Outdoor Art badge of any level can apply these activities towards earning their badge!

Register here:

Denver Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 24, 10–11 a.m.

Monument Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 24, 10–11 a.m.

Grand Junction Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 31, 10– 11 a.m.

Loveland Outdoor Art Meet Up, Saturday, July 31, 10–11 a.m.


Earn GSCO’s NEW Gardening patch

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s NEW Gardening patch program is a customizable program that covers topics surrounding biology, ecology, art, and naturalism, as well as lessons celebrating plant biodiversity and plant pollinators. There is even an extra lesson that teaches Girl Scouts about diversity, equity, and inclusion concepts through growing and celebrating the biodiversity of plants!

Complete at least four lessons to earn your patch or become a gardening whiz by completing all seven. Earn this patch on your own or with your troop. If you’d like to learn about gardening and all the wonderful things it can do for your community and the planet, this is the program for you. This patch is geared towards Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, but older girls are welcome to join in the fun. After completing the requirements for this patch, you can purchase it from the GSCO Retail Shop for $3/patch.

Join us Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 4 p.m. for the virtual kick-off of our Summer Gardening patch program (see details below). At this kick-off, we will introduce and explain the program. After the kick-off meeting, Girl Scouts will be granted access to Google Classroom which houses all the activities.

If you would simply like access to the Gardening patch program, you can head directly to the Google Classroom using this classroom code: 2cj5mlg

If you have never used Google Classroom, follow these steps to join:

  1. Make sure you have a Google account (gmail). You can create a free account if you do not have one.
  2. Sign into classroom.google.com or the Google Classroom app with your Google account.  Click the + to join your class using the classroom code.
  3. Click “Classwork” to see the activities to complete the requirements Gardening patch program.
  4. Register here for the virtual kick-off on June 16.

Whether you’re working to earn GSCO’s new Gardening patch or you just love gardening,  join us for an in-person Gardening patch activity meet-up. You’ll connect with other gardening enthusiasts and create a bee hotel to encourage pollinator activity, earning one part of your Gardening patch.

Denver Gardening Patch Activity Meet-Up, Saturday, June 26, 10 – 11 a.m.

Colorado Springs Gardening Patch Activity Meet-Up, Saturday, June 26, 10 – 11 a.m.

Grand Junction Gardening Patch Activity Meet-Up, Saturday, June 26, 10 – 11 a.m., Saturday, June 26, 10 – 11 a.m.

Longmont Gardening Patch Activity Meet-Up, Saturday, June 26, 10 – 11 a.m.

The patch is included in the price for the activity meet-ups.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.