Tag Archives: FIRST Lego League

Can a girl build a robot? Yes, she can.

Submitted by Linda Baker

FIRST Lego League (FLL) is a fun and educational program geared towards 4th through 8th grade students. Girls get to build robots and learn about technology, while working on teams to research and investigate innovative solutions to meet our world’s needs. Girl Scouts of Colorado offers a perfect environment to foster girl-adult partnerships in order to build and compete in the exciting arena of Colorado FIRST Lego League events.

Girl Scouts is committed to fostering an interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). By learning that STEM is all around them and exploring how it can be fun, Girl Scouts hopes girls will consider careers in these fields. Girl Scouts is a safe, family-friendly place where girls can learn more about the world around them.

Girls will:

  • Learn how to apply math and science to design, build, program, and test a robot.
  • Gain hands-on experience solving real life problems using math and science.
  • Discover how to work as a team player and develop leadership skills € Research challenges facing today’s scientists.
  • Learn critical thinking, team-building and presentation skills € Explore new career possibilities.
  • Participate in tournaments and celebrations.

On Aug. 26, the new challenge will be announced for the 2014 competition season. Titled “World Class: Learning Unleashed,” this thematic problem will address how we gather knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Teams will teach adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn.

Adult coaches and mentors will guide and advise the team for approximately 10 to 12 weeks as the girls build an autonomous robot that will complete pre-designed missions on a playing field within 2 minutes and 30 seconds. They will also use external resources to help girls analyze, research and invent a solution for a real world problem. Adult Girl Scout volunteers provide the framework in which girls gain skills that will last a lifetime.

Adult coaches do not need to have any specific expertise in robotics, programming, or other technical areas. Utilizing Volunteer Essentials, progression, and girl-adult partnership, any current or prospective volunteer can help Girl Scouts form an FLL team. Colorado FIRST Lego League provides training, mentoring, Coaches’ Handbook, and other resources to jumpstart a team. There will be a Rookie Booster held at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Oct. 4 with workshops and 1:1 mentoring to enable new teams to share ideas and experiences with other rookie teams.

For more information about starting a Girl Scout FLL team in Colorado, visit http://fll.coloradofirst.org, or contact me at

This story was submitted via the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.


Girl Scouts of Colorado and FIRST Lego League!


Announcing GSCO Participation in the FIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge!

“It’s the hardest fun you’ll ever have!”

Girl Scouts of Colorado is excited to announce that we have been awarded funding to support two teams in the *FIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge!

This year’s challenge? Come up with an innovative “Senior Solution” to a problem facing the elderly and aging in your community. Learn how to use technology to take action!

See more information about the challenge here: http://firstlegoleague.org/challenge/2012seniorsolutions

ONLY 20 girls will be chosen to participate in this highly respected international program.

A few requirements:

  • Participants will attend a mandatory kick-off event in Denver the evening of October 3rd.
  • Teams and coaches will agree to meet at least once per week in October and early November to get ready for competition in late November.  (Meeting location determined by mentor coach, teammates and parents).
  • Each team will share their innovative “Senior Solution” with the GSCO community in the spring of 2013.

Girls ages 9-14 are invited to apply here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P9JKMLP

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! The Girl Scouts of Colorado is also looking for coaches and assistant coaches to help with the First Lego League Robotics Program! Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of girls? Do you want to help girls develop technology-based solutions to issues facing seniors in your community? Becoming a FLL coach is the ideal volunteer opportunity for someone really looking to roll up their sleeves and work directly with girls in a meaningful way!

Volunteers will be asked to give approximately eight hours a week to this program. YES – parents of participants can be coaches or assistant coaches! We will be hosting an introductory volunteer meeting at 5:30 PM on Tuesday 9/25. If you want more information or to get involved, please email beth.ryan@gscolorado.org.

*More information about FLL:

In FIRST LEGO League (FLL), children are immersed in real-world science and technology challenges. Teams design their own solution to a current scientific question or problem and build autonomous LEGO robots that perform a series of missions. Through their participation, children develop valuable life skills and discover exciting career possibilities while learning
Girls ages 9-14 are invited to apply. They will:

  • Create innovative solutions for challenges facing today’s scientists as part of their research project.
  • Strategize, design, build, program, and test a robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology.
  • Apply real-world math and science concepts.
  • Develop employment and life skills including critical thinking, time management, collaboration, and communication while becoming more self-confident.
  • Become involved in their local and global community.
  • Choose to participate in official tournaments and local events.
  • Qualify for an invitation to World Festival.
  • Engage in team activities guided by FLL Core Values.