Tag Archives: Fall Product Program

Giant Penguin Contest Drawing – 2021 Fall Product Program

During the Fall Product Program, GSCO will have a drawing to win the giant-sized, Emperor Penguin, Penny, our program mascot!

Girls can qualify to enter the drawing in multiple ways and increase their chances to win Penny the Penguin!

Below are the different ways to qualify for entering the drawing:

Giant Penguin Drawing – Form open from Sept. 11 – Dec. 10

  • Girls who renew their membership by Sept. 30, 2021, and who participate in the Fall Product Program can get 1 drawing entry.
  • Girls who sell 15+ magazine subscriptions can get 2 drawing entries.
  • Girls who reach the level of $650+ in combined sales can get 3 drawing entries.
  • Girls who create a video or voice recording for their M2 online storefront can get 4 drawing entries.

Girls MUST complete the Penguin Contest form only once. Each criteria met could mean up to 10 total entries to the drawing!

Girls do not need to meet each criterion to enter the drawing.

*Combined sales can be any combination of online and/or in-person sales.

How to Enter:

Girls can check off the criteria they have met on the contest form. Criteria will be verified by GSCO staff. Each criterion that’s met could mean up to 10 total entries in the drawing!

Contest Entry Deadline and Drawing:

Girls must complete and submit form by the deadline: Friday, Dec. 10, 2021, 11:59pm.


Contest drawing will be on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021.

Note: We cannot ship the giant plush penguin. The winner will need to schedule to pick it up from the nearest GSCO office.

Fun Facts About Our Mascot:

  • Their aerodynamic bodies and strong flippers make them excellent swimmers, reaching speeds of 7.6 mph.
  • They can dive deeper than any other bird – as deep as 565 m 1850 ft – and they can stay under water for more than 20 minutes.
  • A social animal, they will walk up to 75 miles each year to reach their colonial nesting areas.
  • Once an egg is laid, the male will care for the egg until hatched while the mother returns to the sea to hunt for food. This can last up to 2 months!
  • As the young penguins grow, adults leave them in groups of chicks called crèches while they leave to fish.
  • Considered a “near threatened” species due to disease, habitat destruction, and disturbance of breeding colonies by humans
  • They can live 15-20 years in the wild

To learn more about Emperor penguins, and the scientists and activists working to protect them, go to: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/penguin

Questions about the contest? Call Girl Scouts of Colorado customer care at 877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org

Meet the 2021 Fall Product Program Mascots

Penny, Pebbles, and Pip are the Emperor penguin mascots for the 2021 Fall Product Program!

Girl Scouts can earn multiple entries into the drawing for the giant plush penguin, Penny, by meeting certain criteria. To learn more about the drawing, head to the article on the GSCO blog.

The small and large plush penguins are two of the rewards for the 2021 Fall Product Program. Pip is earned at the $350 level, and Pebbles at $750.

To see all 2021 Fall Product Program girl rewards, check out the order card posted on our website. Remember that all rewards are cumulative.

Fun Facts About Emperor Penguins:

  • Their aerodynamic bodies and strong flippers make them excellent swimmers, reaching speeds of 7.6 mph.
  • They can dive deeper than any other bird – as deep as 565 m 1850 ft – and they can stay under water for more than 20 minutes.
  • A social animal, they will walk up to 75 miles each year to reach their colonial nesting areas.
  • Once an egg is laid, the male will care for the egg until hatched while the mother returns to the sea to hunt for food. This can last up to 2 months!
  • As the young penguins grow, adults leave them in groups of chicks called crèches while they leave to fish.
  • There are approximately 595,000 adult Emperor penguins in Antarctica.
    • It’s the only animal to inhabit the open ice of Antarctica during the winter.
    • They face wind chills as cold as -76oF and blizzards of 124mph!
    • Four layers of scale-like feather protect them from icy winds and provide a waterproof coat.
    • Colonies of adults and chicks work together to huddle for warmth. 5,000 or more tightly packed adults and chicks shuffle around, so each takes a turn – but not too long – on the outside of the huddle where it’s cold!

To learn more about Emperor penguins, the scientists who study them and the activists working to protect them, visit the websites below:




If you have questions about Fall Product Program or need assistance, please contact GSCO customer care. Call 1- 877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.

2021 Fall Product Program Magazines Contest

The Fall Product Program kicks off this Saturday, Sept. 11 and the magazine contest is back by popular demand!

*The first 50 girls who sell 15 or more magazine subscriptions and complete the magazine contest form, will receive an awesome S’mores tote with a mystery reward inside!

Magazine subscriptions are purchased through a Girl Scouts’ online storefront in M2. There are lots of popular titles to choose from for sports enthusiasts, foodies, fashionistas, green thumbs, crafters, news hounds and nature lovers!

Magazines make great gifts for family and friends to enjoy, plus there are no shipping fees. Troops also earn 13% of subscription costs as proceeds.

Bonus – Girls who sell 15+ magazine subscriptions will not only qualify to receive  a S’mores Caddy with a mystery reward inside, but they will also qualify for two entries into the drawing for the giant plush penguin contest too! For more information about the penguin contest, read the article on the GSCO blog. http://gscoblog.org/

The contest form opens Saturday, Sept. 11. As soon as a girl has sold 15 or more magazine subscriptions, she should complete the form to qualify to receive the S’mores tote with a mystery reward inside.

*The first 50 girls to qualify will be based on the date that the contest form is submitted, and the verified number of magazine subscriptions sold.

Magazines Contest Form

Note: S’mores totes will need to be picked up from the nearest GSCO office.

Questions? Call Girl Scouts of Colorado customer care at 877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org

Girl Scout Tips for Fall Product Program Success!

The Girl Scouts of Colorado Fall Product Program begins Saturday September 11!

During the Fall Product program, Girl Scouts create their own online storefront through the M2 platform – or they can share an order card with family and friends – and sell nuts, candies and magazines. Girls learn to set goals and market their business, earning rewards and Cookie Credits. Troops earn $1.05 per nut and candy item sold, and 13% of magazine sales. Troop proceeds can be used to offset the cost of troop outings, camp outs or other activities, community service or take action projects, or troop supplies and badges.

We asked Girl Scouts participating in last year’s Fall Product Program what they liked about it and to share their pro tips for success. Here’s what they had to say:

Do you like creating an avatar that looks like you?

I love creating an avatar that looks like me! I also like recording a message. — Clemmer, Highlands Ranch

What tips for success would you share with girls who are participating for the first time?

Design your avatar so that it looks like you and reflects your personality. Also, be sure to record your message; it’s really cool to watch your avatar say it. And make sure you know all about your products. And, always, always, always have fun with it. — McKenzie, Grand Junction

You should always load a video and ask ALL your friends and family.  — Clemmer, Highlands Ranch

Send the website (link) to your friends and family early in the season, so you give them plenty of time to get back to you. — Bianca, Denver

What has your troop done with Fall Product Program troop proceeds that you’ve earned?

We use our funds all year-round for activities and camp, but this year, we are saving for a trip to Utah next summer to visit national parks. — Leah, Littleton

We did a carnival for kids experiencing homelessness with cookie and fall product money [last year]. It was lots of fun. We are [also] saving up to go on a fun camping trip once COVID is over and the money helps buy all the badges we earn! — Ada, Grand Junction

What’s the coolest reward that you have earned?

Cookie Credits to put toward my troop’s trip [abroad]. I also loved earning the S’mores Club sweatshirt [2019] and I’m going to work hard to earn the customized Converse shoes this year [2020]. — McKenzie, Grand Junction 

The Fall Product and Girl Scout Cookie programs are part of the foundation of entrepreneurial experience in Girl Scouts. Both programs provide opportunities for girls to learn business skills in a supportive environment. Why is entrepreneurship important for girls? Developing an entrepreneurial mindset fosters girl’s imagination to figure out new, innovative ways to solve problems, evolve ideas and methods and face challenges with creativity and resilience.

For more information, go to the Fall Product Program page on the GSCO website or contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or inquiry@gscolorado.org.

2021 Fall Product Program Kick-off

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Fall Product Program starts Saturday, September 11!

Participating in the program is a safe, easy, and fun way for troops to earn proceeds for future Girl Scout adventures – 13% of magazine orders and $1.05/item for nut and chocolate items sold. Girl Scouts build their entrepreneurial business skills by running their own business!

Funds from Fall Product Program can help you take those plans to the next level and give back to your community in an even more meaningful way.

Girls earn rewards and Cookie Credits based on their participation in the Fall Product Program. Click here to see girl rewards!

Important 2021 Fall Product Program Dates

  • September 11 – Fall Product Program begins.
  • October 10 – In-person sales end. Last day for paper order card/Nut Promise orders.
  • October 13 – Online, girl delivery orders close. Online orders of shipped nuts candy and magazines continue.
  • October 25 – Fall Product Program ends. Online storefronts close.

All materials for Fall Product Program are shipped directly to service unit fall product program managers (SUFPM) and then distributed to troops. SUFPMs will coordinate distribution of program materials to troops and Juliettes.

Volunteers and families can also download or print Fall Product Program materials from the Fall Product Program Resources page on the GSCO website.

For troop fall product managers and Girl Scout families, training will be available online after Labor Day.

For more information, go to the Fall Product Program page on the GSCO website or contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or inquiry@gscolorado.org.


Giant Plush Sloth Contest: The winner is…

THANK YOU to all the Girl Scouts who entered the drawing for the giant plush sloth as part of the 2020 Fall Product Program!

CONGRATULATIONS to Dylan L.! She won the sloth! Girl Scouts of Colorado selected a winner by having a random drawing.

As part of the qualifications for the giant sloth drawing, the GSCO Product Program team asked Girl Scouts who entered the drawing to do some online research and tell us something interesting that they found out about how people and organizations who are working to save the sloth.

Having the pygmy sloth as the 2020 Fall Product Program mascot helped to bring awareness to conservation efforts, and to inspire Girl Scouts to make a difference in the world by helping animals who are endangered species.

There are fewer than 100 pygmy three-toed sloths left in the world. They are on the critically endangered list because of destruction to their habitat, which is mangrove forests, on Escudo de Veraguas, a tiny island off the east coast of mainland Panama.

All of the Girl Scouts who completed an entry form did a great job sharing the information that they learned about the three-toed pygmy sloth and the people and organizations that are working to help save the species.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She was at the can send in her story here.

I 💚 Fall Product Program: Ada from Grand Junction

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s 2020 Fall Product Program is now underway, and there’s still plenty of time for you to get started! Fall Product Program is a great way for troops (both new and existing) to earn proceeds to use for Girl Scout activities throughout the year or to get one step closer to reaching their next goal. All troops receive 13% of their magazine orders as troop proceeds, plus $1/per item for nuts and chocolates sold.

GSCO Media Star and Girl Scout Junior Ada from Grand Junction told us what she likes about this program.

 How many years have you participated in Fall Product Program?

This is my sixth year in Girl Scouts and participating in Fall Product Program.

Do you like creating an avatar that looks like you? Do you record a message too?

Yes, I like creating the avatar and adding fun accessories. I love that I get to earn patches that have my avatar on them. I don’t record a message because my sister and I call our family and friends.

What do you like about having an online storefront? Is it easy to connect with family, friends and other customers? Is it fun to use?

I like it because it is easier for my family who doesn’t live close by. It is supper fun because you get an online room for the avatar with prizes.

What tips for success would you share with girls who are participating for the first time?

You’ve got this! Call your family now and don’t be afraid ask teachers! Think positive and you will do great.

What nut or candy item (s) do your customers like best?

I love the fruit slices. My sister loves the Peanut Butter Monkeys. My mom loves the Pecan Supremes and Butter Toffee Peanuts. My dad can’t pick a favorite he likes it all.

What has your troop done with Fall Product Program troop proceeds that you’ve earned?

We did a carnival for kids experiencing homeless with cookie and fall product money. It was lots of fun. 

We are saving up to go on a fun camping trip once COVID is over and the money helps buy all the badges we earn!

What’s the coolest reward that you have earned? 

The coolest reward is the S’mores Club bracelet and charms!

Thank you, Ada, for sharing your experience and tips with other Girl Scouts!

Want to participate? You’ll find the M2OS log-in instructions and set-up instructions, family guides, and an order card that shows all girl rewards are on the Fall Product Program page of the GSCO website. Parents/caregivers can also watch the How to Get Started in M2OS – For Families video and learn how to help their Girl Scout.

Need more information? Go to the Fall Product Program page on our website: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/cookies/fall-product-program.html and check out the Fall Product Program weekly update videos posted to the GSCO Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Questions about Fall Product Program or need assistance? We are here to support you! Contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

I 💚 Fall Product Program: Bianca from Denver

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s 2020 Fall Product Program is now underway, and there’s still plenty of time for you to get started! Fall Product Program is a great way for troops (both new and existing) to earn proceeds to use for Girl Scout activities throughout the year or to get one step closer to reaching their next goal. All troops receive 13% of their magazine orders as troop proceeds, plus $1/per item for nuts and chocolates sold.

GSCO Media Star and Girl Scout Cadette Bianca from Denver told us what she likes about this program:

How many years have you participated in Fall Product Program? 

Three Years

Do you like creating an avatar that looks like you?

Yes, it’s cool to be able to do that.

Do you record a message too?

No, I have yet to try that.

What do you like about having an online storefront?

You can send it to people, and they can buy or respond without having to come in close contact.

Is it easy to connect with family, friends, and other customers?

Harder than in real life, but it’s doable

Is it fun to use?

Yes, it’s very cool having a website to sell on.

What tips for success would you share with girls who are participating for the first time?

Send the website to your friends and family early in the season, so you give them plenty of time to get back to you.

What nut or candy item (s) do your customers like best?

Peppermint Bark

What has your troop done with Fall Product Program troop proceeds that you’ve earned?

We used the money for troop meeting supplies and snacks.

What’s the coolest reward that you have earned?

My s’mores bracelet for participating in both Fall Product and Girl Scout Cookie programs.

Thank you, Bianca, for sharing your experience and tips with other Girl Scouts!

Want to participate? You’ll find the M2OS log-in instructions and set-up instructions, family guides, and an order card that shows all girl rewards are on the Fall Product Program page of the GSCO website. Parents/caregivers can also watch the How to Get Started in M2OS – For Families video and learn how to help their Girl Scout.

Need more information? Go to the Fall Product Program page on our website: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/cookies/fall-product-program.html and check out the Fall Product Program weekly update videos posted to the GSCO Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Questions about Fall Product Program or need assistance? We are here to support you! Contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

I 💚 Fall Product Program: Lexi from Dillon

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s 2020 Fall Product Program is now underway, and there’s still plenty of time for you to get started! Fall Product Program is a great way for troops (both new and existing) to earn proceeds to use for Girl Scout activities throughout the year or to get one step closer to reaching their next goal. All troops receive 13% of their magazine orders as troop proceeds, plus $1/per item for nuts and chocolates sold.

GSCO Media Star and Girl Scout Lexi  from Dillon told us what she likes about this program:

How many years have you participated in Fall Product Program?

I have participated in the Fall Product Program for three years now. 

Do you like creating an avatar that looks like you? Do you record a message too?

I like creating an avatar that looks like me. It gives it a little bit more of a personal touch. I do not record a voice message. 

What do you like about having an online storefront? Is it easy to connect with family, friends and other customers? Is it fun to use?

I like having an online storefront because it allows me to reach my family and friends that don’t live near me. It is fun to use because I can track my sales. 

What tips for success would you share with girls who are participating for the first time?

If you are participating for the first time, try to get started right away and ask friends and family and teachers if they would like to support you.

What nut or candy item (s) do your customers like best?

My customers like the Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels, Pecan Supremes, and Mint Trefoils Vintage Compass Tin the most. 

What has your troop done with Fall Product Program troop proceeds that you’ve earned?

My troop has used the Fall Product Program proceeds to go on fun trips, such as the trip we took to Glenwood Caverns and hot springs. 

What’s the coolest reward that you have earned?

The coolest reward I have earned would be the 100th anniversary blanket. 

Thank you, Lexi, for sharing your experience and tips with other Girl Scouts!

Want to participate? You’ll find the M2OS log-in instructions and set-up instructions, family guides, and an order card that shows all girl rewards are on the Fall Product Program page of the GSCO website. Parents/caregivers can also watch the How to Get Started in M2OS – For Families video and learn how to help their Girl Scout.

Need more information? Go to the Fall Product Program page on our website: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/cookies/fall-product-program.html and check out the Fall Product Program weekly update videos posted to the GSCO Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Questions about Fall Product Program or need assistance? We are here to support you! Contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

I 💚 Fall Product Program: Clemmer from Highlands Ranch

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s 2020 Fall Product Program is now underway, and there’s still plenty of time for you to get started! Fall Product Program is a great way for troops (both new and existing) to earn proceeds to use for Girl Scout activities throughout the year or to get one step closer to reaching their next goal. All troops receive 13% of their magazine orders as troop proceeds, plus $1/per item for nuts and chocolates sold.

GSCO Media Star and Girl Scout Cadette Clemmer from Highlands  Ranch told us what she likes about this program:

How many years have you participated in Fall Product Program?

I’ve participated in Fall Product Program for six years.

Do you like creating an avatar that looks like you? Do you record a message too?

I love creating an avatar that looks like me. I also like recording a message.

What do you like about having an online storefront? Is it easy to connect with family, friends, and other customers? Is it fun to use?

I like having an online storefront because it is easy to connect with family, friends, and other customers. It’s also fun to use.

What tips for success would you share with girls who are participating for the first time?

An important tip for success is, you should always load a video and ask ALL your friends and family.

What nut or candy item(s) do your customers like best?

My favorite nut/candy item my customers like is Chocolate Almonds. 

What’s the coolest reward that you have earned?

The coolest reward that I’ve have earned is the stuffed animals. 

Thank you, Clemmer, for sharing your experience and tips with other Girl Scouts!

Want to participate? You’ll find the M2OS log-in instructions and set-up instructions, family guides, and an order card that shows all girl rewards are on the Fall Product Program page of the GSCO website. Parents/caregivers can also watch the How to Get Started in M2OS – For Families video and learn how to help their Girl Scout.

Need more information? Go to the Fall Product Program page on our website: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/en/cookies/fall-product-program.html and check out the Fall Product Program weekly update videos posted to the GSCO Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Questions about Fall Product Program or need assistance? We are here to support you! Contact GSCO customer care at 1-877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.