During the Fall Product Program, GSCO will have a drawing to win the giant-sized, Emperor Penguin, Penny, our program mascot!
Girls can qualify to enter the drawing in multiple ways and increase their chances to win Penny the Penguin!
Below are the different ways to qualify for entering the drawing:
Giant Penguin Drawing – Form open from Sept. 11 – Dec. 10
- Girls who renew their membership by Sept. 30, 2021, and who participate in the Fall Product Program can get 1 drawing entry.
- Girls who sell 15+ magazine subscriptions can get 2 drawing entries.
- Girls who reach the level of $650+ in combined sales can get 3 drawing entries.
- Girls who create a video or voice recording for their M2 online storefront can get 4 drawing entries.
Girls MUST complete the Penguin Contest form only once. Each criteria met could mean up to 10 total entries to the drawing!
Girls do not need to meet each criterion to enter the drawing.
*Combined sales can be any combination of online and/or in-person sales.
How to Enter:
Girls can check off the criteria they have met on the contest form. Criteria will be verified by GSCO staff. Each criterion that’s met could mean up to 10 total entries in the drawing!
Contest Entry Deadline and Drawing:
Girls must complete and submit form by the deadline: Friday, Dec. 10, 2021, 11:59pm.
Contest drawing will be on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021.
Note: We cannot ship the giant plush penguin. The winner will need to schedule to pick it up from the nearest GSCO office.
Fun Facts About Our Mascot:
- Their aerodynamic bodies and strong flippers make them excellent swimmers, reaching speeds of 7.6 mph.
- They can dive deeper than any other bird – as deep as 565 m 1850 ft – and they can stay under water for more than 20 minutes.
- A social animal, they will walk up to 75 miles each year to reach their colonial nesting areas.
- Once an egg is laid, the male will care for the egg until hatched while the mother returns to the sea to hunt for food. This can last up to 2 months!
- As the young penguins grow, adults leave them in groups of chicks called crèches while they leave to fish.
- Considered a “near threatened” species due to disease, habitat destruction, and disturbance of breeding colonies by humans
- They can live 15-20 years in the wild
To learn more about Emperor penguins, and the scientists and activists working to protect them, go to: https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/penguin
Questions about the contest? Call Girl Scouts of Colorado customer care at 877-404-5708 or email inquiry@gscolorado.org