Tag Archives: CBS4/KCNC-TV

Silver Award Girl Scouts Fight to End “Period Poverty”

Silver Award Girl Scouts Lauren C. and Annaliese A. of Troop 64626 in Aurora are fighting “period poverty” in their community by securing a donation of more than 75,000 sanitary pads. Always delivered the pads to Liberty Middle School in Aurora on Friday, March 5, 2021. The Girl Scouts also provided pad-only dispensers for every girls’ restroom in the school. The girls earned $1,200 to purchase six dispensers, one for each restroom. After purchasing the dispensers, the girls realized they wanted to make an even bigger impact and contacted Always. The company agreed to donate more than 75,000 pads for the dispensers! “We noticed that many students didn’t have access to period products and were too embarrassed to ask the nurse for a pad (which nobody should be embarrassed about, but there has been a generational stigma surrounding menstruation),” wrote Lauren.

Through this project which Lauren and Annaliese completed last year, they earned the Girl Scout Silver Award, the highest honor for Girl Scouts in middle school. The girls are now students at Grandview High School. To continue to spread the word about the fight to end period poverty, the girls have also partnered with Period Kits. The nonprofit organization in Denver provides period supplies to those experiencing homelessness.

Thank you to CBS4/KCNC-TV in Denver for sharing this story. Watch it here.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

You could be in the new Girl Scouts of Colorado TV commercial

Girl Scouts of Colorado is excited to partner with CBS4-KCNC TV to produce a GSCO commercial and YOU could be in it! Enter to win by submitting a short video using this form  of yourself answering the prompts “I love Girl Scouts because …” and “I’m a tough cookie because….” Please keep your answers for each prompt to no more than 10 seconds.

Clips from several Girl Scouts will be chosen for the final commercial that will air on CBS in Denver, Grand Junction, and Colorado Springs in late January through mid-March. The deadline to enter is 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, 2020.

Here’s an example video by Morgan at CBS4: https://youtu.be/z_JxHLaTnBg

Helpful tips:

  • Think about what you plan to say before shooting. No need to write a long script, just speak from your heart. And remember to try to keep each of your answers to just 10 seconds.
  • Remember this is for TV. Wear your sash or vest or other Girl Scout apparel.
  • Shoot horizontal, not vertical. Recording your video on a smart phone is totally fine. Just hold it (or have someone else hold it or set it in a phone stand) sideways.
  • Turn lights on, don’t shoot in a dark room. It helps to be facing a window (be sure you don’t have your back to the window).
  • Talk directly to the camera for good audio. Speak clearly and don’t forget to smile!
  • No music or background noise.
  • Make sure your message is clear.

Submitting your video clip:

Use this form to submit your video. You’ll fill in your name and contact information and a caregiver will need to sign off that it’s OK for you to enter the contest.

  • If you have a photo of yourself in your Girl Scout uniform or doing a Girl Scout activity, please upload that as well (there’s a spot on the form).
  • Depending on your internet connection, it might take a minute for the file to upload and the form to submit. Don’t navigate away from that page until you see ‘Success! We’ve received your video’ message.
  • If you have technical difficulties when submitting your video clip, reach out to annemarie.harper@gscolorado.org.

Note: This contest is open to girls in grades K-12 with a current Girl Scouts of Colorado membership (the Girl Scout membership year began Oct. 1, 2020). This contest is not open to Girl Scouts who are members in other councils, are non-renewed Girl Scouts of Colorado members, or adult Girl Scouts.


Highlands Ranch Girl Scouts Donate Items for Pets in Need

As many as 100 Girl Scouts from troops across Highlands Ranch teamed up to collect items for Humane Society of the South Platte Valley. These items included dog treats, non-clumping cat litter, dry erase markers, and gently used towels/blankets. On Saturday, August 29, 2020, Girl Scouts and their families stopped by Cherry Hills Community Church  to drop off the items they had collected.

Girl Scouts of Colorado’s new Chief Executive Officer Leanna Clark, along with her adopted rescue dog Sabe, was also at the event. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Colorado Girl Scouts have not had the opportunity to meet or see Leanna in person. She thanked the Girl Scouts for their hard work on the project and presented them with her special CEO patch. It features Sabe, along with Colorado’s state flower, the columbine. The patch ties to things about Girl Scouts that are important to Leanna: friendships, leadership opportunities, and ways to get outdoors and appreciate the beautiful state we call home!

A special thank you to CBS4/KCNC-TV in Denver for joining GSCO for the event and sharing the story with their viewers.

* This event followed all local COVID-19 guidelines.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Girl Scouts earn NEW space science badges with Lockheed Martin

More than 100 Colorado Girl Scouts in grades 6–12 earned NEW STEM badges with the help of Lockheed Martin employees on Sunday, October 6, 2019 at Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum, one of the region’s premier aerospace museums.

These Girl Scouts are among the first in Colorado to earn three NEW space science badges, which were among the 42 badges released by Girl Scouts of the USA in July. Cadettes (grades 6–8) earned the “Space Science Researcher” badge by learning about the properties of light and how we use it to make discoveries about the Universe and space science. Seniors (grades 9 and 10) earned the “Space Science Expert” badge by gaining a deeper understanding of the Universe– her place in it and how light is used to make discoveries about it. Ambassadors (grades 11 and 12) earned the “Space Science Master” badge by discovering how they can be a part of NASA now and in the future. Girl Scouts also had the opportunity to network with female Lockheed Martin employees and learn about high school internships.

A special thanks to CBS4/KCNC-TV and Fox31/KDVR-TV for joining us for this special event and sharing the story with their viewers! Media Stars Alison, Diana, and Tessa did an AWESOME job representing GSCO in interviews about the event.