Tag Archives: archery

Silver Award Project: Archery Range in Thornton

Submitted by Brandy Schauppner

Metro Denver


Samantha, Abby, Eden, and Aleaha from Troop 62511 partnered with the City of Thornton to complete construction on an archery range that is ADA accessible and available for everyone to use. They designed and completed construction on 12 target stands and six bow hangers to support the range.

When the girls decided that this was a project they cared about, they reached out to their local city council members, who connected them to the city parks and recreation department. They secured all of the materials needed through a local lumber company (Alpine Lumber) and got to work.

The girls planned their design with the intention of promoting the sport of archery for its mental focus and physical benefits. They also wanted to complete a project that was accessible to everyone. The girl’s designs allowed for easy reach of the equipment and the city worked with the girls to provide grounds to achieve this.

The archery range is free to use and is located at 5990 E 100th Ave, Thornton, CO 80229 at the Spratt Lake Finishing Facility.

The girls are working to plan and lead a day camp next summer. This will be a great facility to allow them to offer experiences with the sport!

A special thank you to Reporter Tori Mason of CBS4/KCNC-TV for her story about the girls’ project. Watch it here!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She was at the can send in her story here.

Troop 40294 Earns Archery Badge

Submitted by Dinah Campbell

Pikes Peak

Colorado Springs

Our Cadette troop earned their Archery badge at Cheyenne Mt. State Park Archery Range. The staff did a great job of keeping things clean and safe. They walked us through all the steps to teach us how to properly shoot the arrows, archery safety, and made it fun.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

Archery at Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Submitted by Jessica Spangler

Metro Denver


Multi-Level Troop 65659 invited several other area troops to participate in an archery clinic at Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The Schools and Outdoor Learning Environments (SOLE) program connects kids and their families to the outdoors!

16 Girl Scouts ranging from Brownie to Senior participated in the clinic, where they learned about the parts of a bow and safety rules in a classroom before heading to the range. Many of the girls had never tried archery before. They had a great time and learned how they can continue to pursue archery at state parks.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

Outdoor skills training

Looking for outdoor skills training to prepare you for a summer of fun?

We have two great trainings lined up to get you certified in archery and boating!

Archery and the Small Craft Safety certification courses are required, if you’d like to take girls to shoot archery or take them boating in any capacity (both Brownie-Ambassador).

Both certifications last for three years and will teach you all the basics of how to set up a class, instruct a fun and safe class, give you activity/game ideas, and make it impactful for girls!

The archery class is also open to girls 15-years-old and older, as well as adults! Small Craft Safety is only open for adults 18+.

Having this archery certification allows you to reserve our traveling archery gear set (bows, arrows, targets, protective gear) and take it to shoot anywhere you’d like!

There are zero requirements for taking the archery class. For Small Craft Safety, you need to know how to swim and tread water.

Archery Level 1 Certification

Date: Saturday, May 11, 2019

Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Location: Twisted Pine – Genesee

Price: $45

Registration Link: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/girlscoutsofcolorado/en/events-repository/2019/archery_level_1_cert_1758567911.html

Small Craft Safety Certification

Date: Saturday, May 18, 2019

Time: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Location: Bear Creek Lake Park – Lakewood

Price: $50

Registration Link: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/girlscoutsofcolorado/en/events-repository/2019/small_craft_safety_t.html

*Participants are responsible for paying for their own park entrance fee.

For further questions and information click the registration links.

USAA Archery Level 1 certification

Interested in becoming a certified archery instructor?  Registration is still open for GSCO’s USA Archery Level 1 Certification course! This course provides the necessary tools to maintain a high level of safety both on and off the archery range. Level 1 Instructors are prepared to teach beginner archery programs to people of all ages and abilities. You will learn about range safety, range setup, the steps of shooting, and basic equipment and repair.

When: Sunday, June 17, 2018 from 9 a.m. –  4p.m. at Twisted Pine Lodge in Genesee.

Registration deadline: Thursday, June 14

Cost: $45/person and the certification is good for three years!

Prerequisites: USA Archery or NFAA membership, successful range pass with background screen, successful completion of SafeSport training and PA Act 153 Background Clearances (all this will be discussed in class).

For more information, email Girl Scouts of Colorado Outdoor Programs Coordinater Marissa Rooney at  Marissa.Rooney@gscolorado.org or call 877-404-5708.

Fall archery weekend at MMR





Submitted by Rebecca Lankford

Metro Denver


REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED! There are spots left for both the overnight and Saturday only event!

Looking for an outdoor activity to do with your troop this fall? Join us at Meadow Mountain Ranch in Allenspark!

Date: Friday, Nov. 4, 2016 6 p.m. – Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016 4 p.m.

Location: Meadow Mountain Ranch

Category: Girl Scout Events Level: Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors

More information: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/girlscoutsofcolorado/en/events-repository/2016/archery_days.html

Spend the night on Friday or just come up for the fun on Saturday. Everyone will have a chance to try their skills at archery and we will also play some outdoor games, do a craft or service project, and go on a hike.

Overnight option:

There are a limited number of spaces for girls and adults on Friday night.

Saturday only:

Saturday activities run from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Lunch and snacks are provided for all on Saturday. Cadettes will earn their Archery badge and other levels will receive an archery fun patch.

Contact: camplikeagirlscout@gmail.com with questions and dietary restrictions.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

Fall Archery weekend at MMR

Submitted by Rebecca Lankford


Metro Denver

Looking for an outdoor activity to do with your troop this Fall? Join us at Meadow Mountain Ranch in Allenspark, CO!

Date: Fri Nov 04, 6:00 PM – Sat Nov 05, 4:00 PM

Location: Meadow Mountain Ranch

Category: Girl Scout Events Level: Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors

More information: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/girlscoutsofcolorado/en/events-repository/2016/archery_days.html

Spend the night on Friday or just come up for the fun on Saturday. Everyone will have a chance to try their skills at archery and we will also play some outdoor games, do a craft or service project and go on a hike.

Overnight option:

There are a limited number of spaces for girls and adults on Friday night.

Saturday only:

Saturday activities run from 9am – 4pm. Lunch and snacks are provided for all on Saturday. Cadettes will earn their Archery badge and other levels will receive an archery fun patch.

Contact: camplikeagirlscout@gmail.com with questions and dietary restrictions.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

Cadettes enjoy archery and fun day of shooting

Submitted by Nancy Mucklow

Steamboat Springs

Mountain Communities

Cadettes from Routt County enjoyed earning their Archery Badge. Thanks to local certified instructors who conducted a safety orientation and then helped the Cadettes learn archery skills at the Routt County Rifle Range. The girls also got to learn how to shoot an air pistol and a shotgun. The girls gained new skills and courage!

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

Archery Days at Meadow Mountain Ranch – November weekend added

Golden Arrow

Submitted by Rebecca Lankford


Denver Metro

Pictured is Junior Girl Scout Julianne from Troop 74447. She was the winner of the Golden Arrow award at the October 4th Archery Day!

Friday – Saturday November 6-7 has been added for Archery Day at Meadow Mountain Ranch, with an overnight option available. Scouts can spend the night or come out on Saturday only. This event is suitable for Juniors and up.

For more information and to register please visit: http://www.planetreg.com/E923201147181394

This event is hosted by Troop 3572 RETROS.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.