Join Girl Scouts of Colorado on Sunday, May 16 for the 2021 Highest Awards Virtual Celebrations! You do NOT need to RSVP or have a link to attend these virtual celebrations. You can watch the live premieres on our Facebook page. You can get a notification that the event is starting, by clicking the “Get Reminder” button on the bottom right of the video premiere post.
Aren’t on Facebook? That’s okay. Watch on our YouTube channel using these links:
- Bronze Award Celebration at 1 p.m.
- Silver Award Celebration at 2 p.m.
- Gold Award Celebration at 3 p.m.
Please note that these links will not work until the celebration starts. If you log on early, you may need to refresh your screen at the start time.
We encourage troops and families to make these events feel special for their Highest Awards Girl Scouts in any way possible! Dress up, have your girl wear her Girl Scout vest/sash, decorate your home, or maybe bake something special. Also, be sure to share congratulations for your troop and help our Highest Awards Girl Scouts feel even more proud of their huge accomplishments. You can also use these Highest Awards social media graphics or share photos and videos from your celebration with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Twitter and Instagram users should also use #GSColo.
Please share this information with all the girls in your troop who earned their award, and their families. We encourage all Bronze and Silver Award Girl Scouts to also attend the Gold Award celebration at 3 p.m. to hear about all of the amazing things Girl Scouts in Colorado did this past year.
Win a Prize
This year, there is a scavenger hunt for girls during the virtual celebrations! The scavenger hunt sheet is available to download now on our Highest Awards webpage.
To enter in the drawing to win a prize from the GSCO Retail Shop, submit your scavenger hunt sheet to by 8 p.m. on Sunday, May 16!
To find all of the scavenger hunt items, girls will need to watch either the Bronze or Silver Award celebration AND the Gold Award celebration. Girls do not need to watch both the Bronze and Silver celebrations for the scavenger hunt, the items from those celebrations will be the same.
Honor Your Highest Awards Girl Scout
Honor your Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award Girl Scout by making a gift to Girl Scouts of Colorado to help us continue to support older girls who are making the world a better place! Make your donation here:
Questions? Email
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.