New to Girl Scouts? Start here

Whether you are in the early phases of learning what Girl Scouts can offer or already an official member and connected to a troop, this post will provide answers and resources to support any new Girl Scout family.

Welcome to the largest global sisterhood! Your membership includes you in a worldwide family of more than 10 million girls and adults in 150 countries. The Girl Scout Movement is the largest girl-serving organization and has the largest girl-led business in the country, the annual Cookie Program.

Before you jump into your Girl Scout adventure here are some important details to help you get the most out of your membership.

Cost of joining & annual costs (View more details here)

  • The basic cost to participate is the annual $25 Girl Scout membership for any girl or adult. Additional costs include the initial uniform pieces like vest/troop numbers/membership pins, troop dues, and any program fees. The first year of Girl Scouts may have additional startup costs but subsequent years will be supported by the proceeds from the Cookie Program or other funds raised by the troop. Over time the troop becomes more self-sustainable.
  • We believe that every girl deserves to be a Girl Scout, regardless of her family’s circumstances. If you are not able to pay the $25 membership fee, please complete the registration form and check the box to request financial aid on the final page. We do not require proof of hardship and your financial aid status will always be confidential. For help with additional costs outside of membership please complete this opportunity grant form.

How to find a troop:

  • Every troop is unique! You can search the troop catalog and filter by zip code, grades served, languages spoken and more to find a troop that meets your needs. Meeting schedules are based on the troop volunteer’s availability and most troops meet twice a month with an occasional additional event or field trip. Meetings are usually 1 – 2 hours long and meet at schools, churches, or other community spaces.

The troop experience:

  • Troop members are making new friends, learning Girl Scout traditions, building skills as they earn badges, and being their true selves as they cheer each other on. The troop experience varies by program level and there is a progression to help girls build their skills and confidence as they grow. A common recipe for a typical troop meeting includes a welcoming activity or ceremony, opening with the Girl Scout Promise and Law, quick discussion about general troop business, and time for badge activities and discussions. It is common for troop meetings to end with a song and the friendship circle.

Participation outside of the troop experience (program flyer):

  • From camp and council-sponsored events to anytime activities and Girl Scouts from Home, you can build the experience that matches your interest and availability. Individual Girl Scouts who participate without a troop are called “Juliettes” and with the help of their caregiver or mentor can build an enriching year of activities from our extensive list of opportunities.

Uniform basics (Visit out Girl Scouts of Colorado shop website!)

  • Girl Scouts can choose how they want to display the badges they earn and their basic troop insignia. Developing an app? Building a community garden? Advocating for a cause you’re passionate about? Yes, there’s a badge for that. Explore our Awards and Badge finder to see the badges available for each program level.

Family support and volunteering (Ready, Set, Change Lives!)

  • Any adult that wants to make a positive impact in the life of girls can volunteer with a Girl Scout membership and eligible background check. Troop Leaders are responsible for the day to day details of the troop and lead meetings. Troop Support Volunteers help occasionally, support troop projects, and step up when needed throughout the year. Additional volunteer opportunities are available, such as Troop Cookie Manager and Troop Treasurer. No prior Girl Scout experience is necessary!
  • We encourage all caregivers to get involved with their girl’s troop in some capacity. Adults who attend three or more troop meetings, drive girls other than their own, or handle troop finances (example: the cookie program) are required to have a Girl Scout membership and eligible background check on file.
  • Girl Scouts is here to help families Raise Awesome Girls

Access to other resources throughout the year

  • The Girl Scouts of Colorado website is the primary location to access important documents, forms, and more. Please bookmark the Forms and Resources page for a quick way to find frequently accessed forms and seasonal documents.

How to request help from council

  • Our Customer Care team is available to answer questions and direct inquires to the subject matter experts. You can email, call 877-404-5708, or send a message through this form on our website and our team will reach out to offer assistance.