Submitted by Brandy Schauppner
Metro Denver
Samantha, Abby, Eden, and Aleaha from Troop 62511 partnered with the City of Thornton to complete construction on an archery range that is ADA accessible and available for everyone to use. They designed and completed construction on 12 target stands and six bow hangers to support the range.
When the girls decided that this was a project they cared about, they reached out to their local city council members, who connected them to the city parks and recreation department. They secured all of the materials needed through a local lumber company (Alpine Lumber) and got to work.
The girls planned their design with the intention of promoting the sport of archery for its mental focus and physical benefits. They also wanted to complete a project that was accessible to everyone. The girl’s designs allowed for easy reach of the equipment and the city worked with the girls to provide grounds to achieve this.
The archery range is free to use and is located at 5990 E 100th Ave, Thornton, CO 80229 at the Spratt Lake Finishing Facility.
The girls are working to plan and lead a day camp next summer. This will be a great facility to allow them to offer experiences with the sport!
A special thank you to Reporter Tori Mason of CBS4/KCNC-TV for her story about the girls’ project. Watch it here!
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She was at the can send in her story here.