Racing Derby Virtual Style

Submitted by Ariella Wells

Fort Collins

Northern & Northeastern CO

The girls of Troop 70720 hosted their second annual racing derby! This year looked a little different than last year because of COVID and all the restrictions going on across the state. However, that did not stop them from hosting this event. We figured out staggered and safe drop off times and then live-streamed the event on YouTube. While there were a few technical glitches at the beginning, it all worked out well and we think everyone had a really good time 🙂 Thank you to the girls who signed up to participate and made cars 🙂 This event couldn’t happen without all of you and some of your cars are pretty amazing.

Look for the event back again next year! Hopefully, it will be able to be in person and live streamed!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She was at the can send in her story here.