Submitted by Girl Scouts of Colorado History Center
Northern & Northeastern CO
This is the first in a series of blogs exploring the Girl Scouts of Colorado History Center, our Girl Scout history – nationally and internationally-, cookies, traditions, camping, games, and more.
The GSCO History Center is a museum that can be visited by girls, adults, alums, and others interested in Girl Scout history. It has a vast collection of vintage uniforms, accessories, badges, handbooks, dolls, cookie incentives, jewelry, camping equipment, flags, SWAPS, mugs, and more. It is full of artifacts from Girl Scouts of Colorado, Girl Scouts of the USA, and WAGGGS. As the statewide collection center for the council, it houses collections from the legacy councils of Columbine, Chipeta, Mile-Hi, Mountain Prairie, and Wagon Wheel.
Currently, because of state ordered COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot offer in-person visits, but we can put together resources for troops to work remotely on earning their Playing the Past badge and Girl Scout Way badge. Your troop or service unit can check out parade or fashion show tubs from the GSCO History Center too. Out-based programs include Books in a Bag. These bags are specific to grade level or topic and include vintage books and a program for their use. Contact us for more information. Once back to those cherished normal “non-COVID” days, we will welcome, by appointment, visits and tours, including trying on vintage uniforms (our oldest one dates back to 1919!) and a scavenger hunt to find items in the unique areas of the center.
If you have items to donate, contact a volunteer at the History Center. Once received, the experienced history committee will document the item’s age (year(s) of availability), Girl Scout catalog number, and price in one of the many Girl Scout catalogs that go back to 1917! Then, it is photographed, a description is added.
The volunteer History Committee also creates displays about Juliette Gordon Low, WAGGGS, Girl Scout Cookies, camping, and more for Girl Scout Week, World Thinking Day, Founders Day, or other special events. They often have historical items on display in libraries and at Girls Scout properties around the state.
Our committee works hard to preserve and protect our Girl Scout history. We look forward to 2021, to gathering again in person, and sharing our passion for Girl Scout history with you and your girls. If you have Girl Scout stories and memories, please share on the GSCO Blog as well.
Email the GSCO History Center at
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She was at the can send in her story here.