Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Baily Holsinger, Larkspur, “Beanies for Babies”









What did you do for your Gold Award project?

For my Gold Award project, I not only crocheted beanies for newborn babies at Denver Health Medical Center and Baby Haven in Ft. Collins, I also held a number classes to teach people of all ages how to make the beanies.  During my classes, I also educated the students on the importance of covering a baby’s head as they lose heat quickly and the need for newborn baby items as many families struggle financially. I also shared how to make the beanies and ways to support these agencies on social media and with fliers in multiple areas trying to reach as many people as I can.

How did you measure the impact your Gold Award project made on your target audience?

I measured impact of my project by how fast the beanies were delivered to families in need and how many more beanies Denver Health and Baby Haven needed.

How is your project sustainable? How  will  your  project  continue to impact after your  involvement?

First of all, my project will be sustained by those I taught. Each group was left with instructions as well as contact information for Denver Health and Baby Haven. The Denver Health staff will also be continuing my project  and reaching out to other hospitals in Denver who would be interested in a supply of beanies to give to families of newborn babies.

What is your project’s global and/or national connection?

I have a Facebook page open to anyone and it has directions to make a beanie, directions on how to get started on holding a “Beanies for Babies” class, and suggestions on where they can deliver beanies.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I am a good teacher and when I need to I can take charge and be a leader. I am a less shy of a person than I thought.

How will earning your Gold Award impact you in the future?

Earning my Gold Award made me a better leader and more aware of the needs in my community. This project will impact my future because I know that I will be able to be a leader in any situation and that I can lead people of all ages. I know I have the skills to continue to help my community and educate people about community needs and what they can do to make someone’s life better.

Why do you feel the Gold Award was an important part of your Girl Scout experience?

The Gold Award project was very important to me because all my life I was a shy girl and this project helped me come out of my shell and be a leader. This project was the first major project that I have done from start to finish. Now I know that I am able to compete things that I set my mind to.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog represents only a small fraction of the hard work, dedication and requirements that go into earning a Girl Scout Gold Award. It is simply a brief summary, which is meant to inspire Girl Scouts to Go Gold in the future. For more information on earning your Gold Award, please email